Chapter 27

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Dipper's P.O.V.:

I breathed out heavily, my eyes fixed on the eyebats which collapsed because of being enervated. The other eyebats were in the same condition. And this is how they died. I sighed, at least we made it to the designated land safely.

"That was amazing!" Wendy shouted excitedly as she landed.

"Who'd have known Dipper could do something fun and daring" Gideon laughed. I bowed.

"Who taught you this?" Melody laughed cheerfully, having enjoyed the ride.

"Well I picked a few things from a certain friend, this is one of them" I smiled softly.

"Pal, you've grown" Soos spoke with care and respect.

"Thanks, Soos" I smiled.

"So, should we leave the bodies?" Wendy asked me and I pondered over it.

"Yes, I suppose it wouldn't matter, the other demons would eat it anyways" I got off the sandy floor and dusted off my jeans.

"We, that really was one hell for a ride, now we need to transverse the land somehow without getting lost" Gideon spoke.

"What about GPS?" I asked him.

"Bill crashed all the satellites, there is no GPS or network available anymore" Gideon took out a few things. A huge map of the world, detailed, not completely but to a point, it had the four directions on it too. A compass. He also took out a glowing red stone with a white interior, and another glowing red stone with a black interior.

"What are you doing?" I asked him and he turned to me with a proud smile.

"I studied a lot of magical stones in Gravity Falls, this is one of them. The red and white stone when placed above a map, will point out where you are standing, only if you have the red and black one. It points out all the positions where the red and black stone is present, and since I have one of them, it will help us navigate" he explained before picking up the said stone. I nodded.

"That is amazing" I spoke.

"I know right" Wendy patted my back.

"Uhhh.... guys!" Soos shouted from where he was on the look out "eyebats approaching!"

"Hurry up Gideon!" Melody spoke. We watched as he put his hand with the stone on the paper. We were on the shore of Africa somewhere, man I wish I had taken geography seriously, and the due direction we need to move is East North East. Gideon quickly packed up all his equipment and we hurried to the trees for cover, hiding in the leaves.
They just picked up the remnants of their families and left.

"Thank goodness" Melody sighed out in relief as we gathered together.

"East North East, right?" Soos spoke, looking at the compass. Gideon nodded.

"That's where the next bubble is" Gideon added and we all stared at the direction we were supposed to go, wind blowing through our hair.

"We are lucky that we have to transverse a small path, had we landed in the desert, or a bit lower, it would've been tough considering the geography of Africa" I spoke, remembering the geographical map somewhat. Others nodded at me.

We will surely take our universe back.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I peeked out of the window, this stupid chain is holding me back. A hindrance in my way to find Bill. That idiot triangle hasn't bugged me for days and it has got me worried, there could be many monsters planning treason against Bill, what if something happened to him? And why am I so worried? He is the demon that is ruling the entire universe... surely he can take care of himself... but I still want to see him, not like there is any other person or creature to see anyways.

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