Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

The man seemed curious as he stared at me, and pretty discomposed as well.

"Yeah, I found you passed out in those woods" I told him, not the truth because it's possible that he might freak out, this dude is already scared and telling him I'm a witch and I saved you with the power of light won't be the best idea since he has just woken up.

"O-oh thanks" the man smiled brightly, he looked so cute, "I am Abigor."

"Abigor?" I looked at him with a look full of gaiety.

"Y-yeah, when I was born, my mother was really into learning about demons, so she named me that" he blushed a light shade of pink "but no one ever noticed it though...."

"Well, I did, but it's a nice name, considering the status Abigor was given, and not to mention he is one of the most handsome devils.... The only fact is that you're more cute than handsome" I smiled kindly as I complimented him. He blushed more as he turned his head down.

"Umm... miss..." he looked up at me with thankful eyes "thank you for saving me, I'm really grateful to you" he seemed a little distressed as he spoke that, or it could have been something else.

"Your welcome, but why did you cross their territory in the first place?" I asked him and he blushed, putting his hand on the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I just wanted to do some research, but I got too carried away" he said and looked away, seemingly upset.

"Well, if you want, we can go there again tomorrow" I offered, not wanting him to be upset.

"Its okay, I...." he stopped, his eyes were filled with insecurity and trepidation. My brows furrowed together as I looked at him in disquiet.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him and he sighed and shook his head.

"I.... I just don't want to return, anywhere but there" he curled up, making my worry to deepen, I shifted in my seat.

"Why?" I asked him, the concern clear in my voice.

"Please promise me you won't tell this to anyone else" he gave me a pleading teary look as his golden eyes were glossed over, the stars, moon and light reflecting off them like a spherical mirror.

"I promise to you that I won't disclose this conversation to anyone else" I did a cross motion on my heart and he seemed a little reassured about talking.

"Usually I'm not so open to others, but I will tell you, because I feel like I can tell you anything without any fear" he gave me a small rueful smile making me feel sad "my father abuses me, after my mother died, my father began blaming me for her death, he stopped caring for me. He forces me to do all the work and drowns himself in alcohol, despite me being the one to cook food, I don't get much to fill my stomach, it is so tiring, I wanted to escape it, so I saw an opportunity when my dad told me to get something for him" his face turned to a contrite blunt one as he looked down "I hoped to die, but I didn't realize it would be just more painful, I wasn't ready apparently...."

I looked at him, feeling sad, I knew I could never understand what he was going through because our father loves us more than anything else, cherished us as his daughters after my mother died. It was so sad to think that people can be so ruthless to their own creation, and it's more pitiful that they themselves do such things to nullify their own pain.

I rested my hand on the man's back comfortingly and smiled tenderly and sympathetically. He looked at me with a hopeful look.

"You can stay with us as long as you wish if that is the case. I'm sure my family won't mind" I offered considerately and he gave me a small smile.

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