Chapter 24

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Dipper's P.O.V.:

I followed the female as she dashed through the forest. I had no other choice anyways since she held my hands in hers tightly, dragging me behind but making sure I won't get left behind, or hurt.

"Come on (y/n)! Slow down!" I yelped as I barely caught my footing from tripping on a root.

"Stop being a baby Dippy Sauce! We are almost there!" And just as she said that, as if on cue, we were back on the cliff, like the few times in the past. I stared at the sunset and the beautiful hues of oranges, reds and blues it scattered across the sky.

"Isn't it beautiful? The sunset?" She asked me, taking a peek at my face.

"Yes, it is" I glanced at her, smiling softly, in the sunset, she looked beautiful, her hair shone like the sun, and her eyes even brighter. Her skin glowed like the sky. She truly looked serene.

"Well... I wanted to tell you something" she fidgeted, seemingly nervous. Never in my entire life have I seen her like this. I always thought she was straightforward and unrelenting, I thought I had seen every side of her, but this was new.

"What is it?" I asked her and she turned to me, looking me in the eyes, her (e/c) orbs were full of undying love and devotion.

"Ever since Mabel asked us to become a couple, I never expected this to pass but" she coloured a reddish hue under the golden light of the setting sun "I love you Dipper Pines" she smiled up at me brightly. I blushed. She looked even more beautiful than the setting sun and it's background.

"We object!" From the treeline emerged four familiar faces. Each of them wearing torn up clothes and soot and mud covered body, my eyes widened as (y/n) pushed me a little behind her. The ones in front of us were Wendy, Gideon......right? Soos and Melody were there too.

"Wh-what's going on?" I stuttered.

"What happened to you guys!?" (Y/n) asked, worried.

"Dipper don't trust her! She is an illusion! A lie!" Gideon shouted out and I froze. Why does it feel familiar...?

"Dipper! This is just like Mabel's bubble! A prison created by Bill!" Wendy said and memories started running through my mind.

"Dude, snap out of it!" Soos's voice snapped me out of my trance and I walked over to them.

"Dipper please stop! Don't believe them" (y/n) held me back by my wrist, tears entering her eyes "I'm not a lie..."

"I'm sorry" with a hard face, I pulled my wrist out of her hold and walked over to them, only to get hugged.

"So, you're Gideon.... right?" I asked and he turned red and nodded. "'ve changed" I spoke in a disparaging tone.

"Look, I know. I'm sorry for my child self, but trust me, I've changed" Gideon smiled and somehow, he seemed believable.

"You choose them over me..." I heard the voice of my lover and I turned around, all of my attention on her as she stared at her feet, her body shaking "how could you..? You liar!" She roared and melted down like wax, covered in blood. Her skeleton remained behind as the trees behind us turned black, their branches tried to grab us but Soos and Wendy had already grabbed me and started running, followed by Gideon and Melody, and also demons.

I screamed as we dropped into a pit, only to fall softly on the ground covered by dead grass, the prison bubble popped and some monsters turned to us at it's sound.

"Kill them before they fly away! Leave none!" Wendy ordered and the others started attacking relentlessly. I fell back on my butt, as I watched my friends kill the monsters, every single one of them, within a moment. The outside was horrible, truly terrifying, a world brought out straight from hell. Wendy pulled me into the forest and we didn't stop until we were far, and into a underground camp site.

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