Chapter 29

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I grunted and turned in my bed, covering my face with the sheets as the morning light hits my face. Birds chirped outside as I let my eyes flutter open. In front of me was my bed, my bed at my home.

I abruptly sat up and looked around me, I was in my room, the same as I let it the last time, a little bubble of joy burst inside my heart, while I tried not to get my hopes up, a huge smile formed on my face. I jumped off the bed and gazed out the window, everything was the same, exactly like I saw it the last time. But I... the weirdmaggedon and Bill, what happened to them?

"Enjoying the view?" I jumped with a small mousy squeak as I heard the familiar voice behind me. I turned around and saw the demon, speak of the devil, and suddenly felt a dreading sensation, this is not real, is it?

"Bill" I spoke put his name with a somehwat thoughtful look and he made a happy gesture. He was in his triangle form.

"What? Did you think I was gone?" He asked me and my excitement settled down, I was fairly disapponted, yes, I did hope he was gone. A sudden weight filled my chest, contrast to the empty feeling I had for so long.

"Where are we?" I asked him, moving to sit on my bed, trying not to let my sadness and longing for my home show.

"We are in your mind, Magician!" He exclaimed, spreading out his hands and legs.

"My mind?" I raised an eyebrow, too let down to show any kind of surprise, then again, why am I even surprised? "How?"

"You fell unconscious out of nowhere, so I came here to check" he spoke. I made a poker face before something poked my thought train.

"Were you worried for little ole me?" I spoke in an empty tone and he rolled his eye.

"Of course not, I just wanted to see if you die, I would have to rid myself your corpse too you know" he spoke, such a relieving answer, truly. I wonder if I'd have been better off dead.

Bill won't mention it, but he was a little scared and worried, and it's been really long since he felt those feelings, along with the some ones that he felt, that tingling feeling when he looks at her, he remembered that feeling from a long time ago, and he will never forget it. Now that he has felt those things again, he realized how much he longed to feel them and yet despising their existence, that serenity, peace and calmth, these feelings are useless, they pay no need, these feelings are boring, and yet feeling them back reminded him of something forgotten, deeper inside his unexplored guilty conscience.

I silenced myself, letting my brain get swept along with my thought train. And he said that I fainted out of nowhere, I pondered over what could have caused it, but I could only think of one thing.

"Hey Bill, could you please leave me alone for a second?" I asked him, not expecting him to agree.

"No" he answered quicker than expected and I sighed, yep, I knew it.

I gave him a warning look while he stared at me, curiously.

I pulled at the neck of my top and peek inside, down my cleavage to spot a dim red magic seal on my heart. The contract. The seal is severed, and I know why.

"Wondering about your familiar?" He twirled a cane in the air and I gave him a questioning look. "This is your mind, magician, I can hear all your little thoughts" he seemed smug as he answered. I kept silent.

"She's dead" he spoke and I jumped up in shock, trying to process the words. Tears immediately filled my eyes to the brim as I processed the words.

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