Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I sat near the lake, on the bank, picking at the grass as I leant on Dipper beside me.

Suddenly, Dipper moved a little, and fell straight into the lake, he probably fell asleep. I gasped, looking down in the water.

"Dipper!" I shouted out as he appeared on the surface, breathing heavily. Seeing he was fine, I started laughing at his face. He pouted as he lowered half of his face under water, bubbles flowing to the surface.

"Come out Dippy, you'll catch a cold" I smiled as a mischievous look took over my face. I raised the liquid with my elemental magic like a wave, and dropped Dipper on the ground. He shook his head, sending water droplets everywhere. I used a forcefield to stop the drops and blew warm air over him. It seems I was a bit too rough because he bent forward to avoid being flown away.

"Are you trying to blow me away!?" He shouted over the howling of the wind.

"Maybe" I stuck out my tongue, lowering the wind current. Suddenly, I was hit by something, and thrown in the water. Whatever hit me was sticking to my body as I sunk deeper. Panicked, I made movements with my hands, and a wave appeared, pulling me with it to the surface so that I could finally breathe. The wave dropped us on the dry ground. I looked down when I heard cheers.

"That was fun!!!" Mabel cheered, as wet as I was. I made a disappointed uninterested face staring at her. With another set of movements of my hands, winds started blowing, warm and comfortable as they dried our clothes quickly and dispersed.

"That was cool too! Can you make a tornado!?" Mabel gave me bright puppy eyes.

"Yep" Eliza cheerfully answered and when they looked at me, I knew what they wanted. With a sigh, I complied. As Mabel and Eliza flew around the winds of the tornado, me and Dipper turned to Sune and the other familiar.

"So, why are they here again?" I asked Sune and Oni as Oni cheerfully looked up.

"Your father asked us to go and play with you" he smiled sweetly.

"Why do I feel like they are hiding something?" Dipper whispered to me.

"I am not sure, but I am thinking the same" I told him and looked at Sune.

"Sune, speak up, what is it?" I asked her and she sighed and looked at the other two who were inside the tornado, screaming in excitement.

"Oni, you should join them too, to make sure Liz don't get hurt" Sune told Oni and he nodded and did a salute, running to the tornado and jumping inside.

"Now?" I bent down and looked her in the eyes.

"Stanlee, its about him" Sune started.

"What happened to Gruncle!?" Dipper exclaimed loudly as bent down beside me, fear filling up his eyes.

"He.... I..... that sickness of his.... It seemed that the sickness corrupted him, your father is working on him right now" Sune told us, she seemed slightly worried, and I could tell she was hiding something. Before I could ask what it was, Dipper jumped to his feet and started running in the direction of our cabin.

"D-dipper!!!" I called out his name as I also jumped to my feet and followed after him.

"(Y/n)!!! Dipper!!! Stop!!! I was sent here to stop you from going there!" Sune shouted behind us as she followed us. Using my wind magic, I boosted up my mind and caught up to Dipper who grabbed my hand.

"Wha-!!" I exclaimed as he pulled me along with him, running at top speed to the cabin.

"I need to see Gruncle Stan!" He shouted out at me, tears dolling his eyes, it seemed like he knew somthing I didn't. I didn't ask him, he looked conflicted, and I didn't what to bother him. We ran for a while before we reached the door of the cabin. Behind me I could hear Sune yelling, and her darkness was quickly spreading across everywhere.

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