Chapter 20

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Dipper's P.O.V.:

"He is what!?!?!?" I exclaimed, utterly bewildered and astonished.

"Exactly what you heard bro bro!" Mabel told him, worry etched on her face, the expression clearly not planning to leave anytime soon.

"This is not good, oh god what are we going to do!?" I panicked, pacing around the room and chewing on my shirt in stress.

"Dipper stop eating your shirt first" Mabel bluntly added and I spat out my shirt just realizing that I had been eating my shirt. I frowned but ignored my soggy shirt.

My and (y/n)'s date went pretty well. After our brunch on the cliff over showing the entire Gravity Falls covered in fog like clouds, we cuddled, fell asleep, watched the night sky, and finally returned a little late. After dropping her off, I returned to the shack, fell asleep, woke up, and after getting dressed, saw Mabel, only to find this out.

"I can't believe this" I passed my hand through my hair.

"We should tell her first, she needs to know, she might be in danger" Mabel offered meekly.

"I know, but she's never been harmed yet, what if she gets after we tell her?!" I exclaimed, afraid for my crush, I don't want to see her hurt because of a stupid dream demon.

"What will we do?" Tears filled Mabel's eyes. I hugged her, my face hardening.

"We need to tell her" I spoke up, it has to be done.

"I'm so scared, what will he do this time Dipper?" Mabel asked me as I blinked, wondering something.

"You're overly emotional.... wait.... are you..?" I blinked hard, wishing, hoping, praying to hear a no, but my hopes shattered when she said yes. She sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"That's it, you're staying home" I told Mabel sternly and she rolled his eyes.

"I will be curling up in my blankets and comforters anyways bro, shut up" she growled at him and pulled out a chocolate from her bag.

"Oh, and stay away from Bill, I don't want you hurt, don't let him know" I told her as she nodded, nibbling on the chocolate.

With a sigh, I exited the room, and the shack.

(Y/n)'s house is a little bit far from the shack, but not too distant, in case something pops up, it won't be hard to go there, and neither will it take much time, except for fifteen minutes.

I tried to keep my pace slow, steady and calm, but the panic was clear, the adrenaline making my steps faster than I desired, clearly, the animals around did not appreciate it either because some of the birds and squirrels peeked out from their nests and houses to glare at me. I sighed and forced myself to calm, distracting my thoughts to the journals.

If only the original ones were intact, Bill that asshole destroyed them so that I wouldn't know what was in them.... This sucks. But somehow, Gruncle Stan had a copy of the journal 3, how? Where? When? Why? I have no idea, but I'm glad.

A question suddenly struck me, why did Gruncle Stan had a copy? What did he wanted? Surely he must have done it.... Or someone else must have been the culprit. So many questions but no answers, oh wait! I can't believe I didn't notice it!

That one time when Gruncle Stan activated the portal, the copy was there, and the original was with me, I can't believe I didn't pay any heed to it.... So Gruncle Stan copied the entire journal to keep the portal working....... sounds like too much unneeded work.

As I was walking, I met with a tree, or a wall, the wall of (y/n)'s house... I was totally lost in thoughts, weren't I?

Knocking on the door thrice, I entered the house when I heard a 'the door is open'.

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