Chapter 26

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up to the sound of a now very familiar piano and a song. Still lying down, I turned to the source. Bill was singing, apparently he had just started. He sung in a stable voice, not the usual which hurts your ears. The song was beautiful, and his one single eye stared off into space, deep in thought as he sung. I closed my eyes, a smile on my face.

"People are puppets held together with string
There's a beautiful sadness that runs through him
As he asks me to pray to the God he doesn't believe in

Time and again boys are raised to be men
Impatient they start, fearful they end
But here was a man mourning tomorrow
He drank, but finally drowned in his sorrow

Oh, he could not break surface tension
He looked in the wrong place for redemption

And don't look at me with those eyes
I tried to anaesthetise
Turn back the tide that drew him
But he couldn't be saved
A sadness runs through him
Through him

Time and again boys are raised to be men
Impatient they start, fearful they end
But here was a man mourning tomorrow
Who drank, but finally drowned in his sorrow

Oh, he could not break surface tension
He looked in the wrong place for redemption

Don't look at me with those eyes
I tried to anaesthetise
Turn back the tide that drew him
But he couldn't be saved
A sadness runs through him
Through him

Don't look
Don't look
Don't don't

Don't look at me with those eyes
I tried to anaesthetise
Turn back the tide that drew him
But he couldn't be saved
No he couldn't be saved
A sadness runs through him
A sadness runs through him
A sadness runs through him
A sadness runs through him
A sadness runs through him"

"Did you liked the show?" A voice spoke from right in front of me, the obnoxious voice of Bill that startled me to death, making me scream and fall off the bed.

Tangled up in bedsheets, I sat up and stared at the triangle who was sitting, looking amused, he looked adorable... I quickly disposed the thought, I can't be falling for a way will I ever fall for him.

"Scared you, did I?" He spoke up and I glared at him. "Good morning by the way, you had pleasant dreams I presume?" He spoke very nicely, awfully unbelievably nicely. I scoffed and stood up, almost tripping as I tried to get out of the blanket, unfortunately I failed, but Bill snapped his fingers, and the blanket was back on bed, I crossed my arms.

"Cut out the formalities" I glared at him with pure hate.

"Why? Don't you like gentlemen?" He spoke, clearly thinking of something he shouldn't ever think about.

"That has nothing to do with you, the only fact that has something to do with you is that you are not in any way of my liking" I took the blanket and wrapped it around myself, laying back down, my back facing the triangle.

"You know, dogs show their back to their masters as a sign of trust" he spoke happily.

"I'm not a dog and you're not my master" I was almost dozing off in sleep.

"Is that so?" He said, still sounding cheerful.

"Yes" I yawned, covering my mouth.

"So given that I'm not your preference in any way, I guess we will have to change that then!" He cheerfully spoke, floating right over my head, I sunk deeper in the bed, covering my head.

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