Chapter 1

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Arc 1

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up, drenched in sweat, I had a nightmare, but I couldn't quite remember what it was. If I had to guess, I would say it's the same one. I just sighed and got out of my bed, only to trip on my feet and fall down. I huffed as I laid down on the ground, luckily, the carpet softened my fall.

"You okay?" My twelve year old sister, Liz asked me. My familiar, Sune looked at me with a disappointed look, identical to the one Sap gave me.

"Hun, you Okay?" My father walked in with an apron on him. I sat up and dusted off my pyjamas.

"Yep.... mostly" i checked myself just to be sure.

"Someday you will end up getting seriously hurt because of being so clumsy" my father helped me up before doing anything else. I sighed.

"I hardly think so" unbeknownst to me, the look on my father's, and the two familiars' faces suggested otherwise.

"Go take a shower, you're so sweaty, what did you do?" My father eyed me with suspicion, what the hell does he think I did? I sighed again.

"Nightmare" I told him with a huff. Sune, my fox familiar, jumped on my lap as I sat on my soft bed. She had black fur, and the end of her tail was white, pure snowy white. Her eyes were shining silver.

After being scolded for my clumsiness, I finally took a shower and did my usual morning routine.

Going downstairs, I sniffed the air and made a puppy like face as I jumped in my seat, waiting for my father to serve me the breakfast. Soon enough, he came up to me with his hot pink apron, and waffles in his hands. He placed them in front of me, and I started eating.

"What happened to the white one?" I asked him and he froze, before shooting me a sheepish smile.

"I may or may not have burnt it during my experiment" he made a cute looking strange face then returned to do the chores, his childishness won't ever change, will it? I rolled my eyes, soon joined by my sister who already was holding her own breakfast, the waffles, and set them down once she sat, her familiar, Oni, an onyx coloured hare with baby blue eyes followed her. Oni waved at me happily as he nibbled on a carrot. Sune gracefully climbed up the dining table and settled down, swishing her tail side by side gently. I went to the kitchen and in a bowl, I put some berries, and going back to my breakfast, I handed the berries to Sune.

"Why thank you" she said and started eating. Not minding her comment laced with sarcasm, I ate my own breakfast, almost finishing up when father joined us.

"(Y/n), Dipper and Mabel will be returning to Gravity Falls in a couple days for their summer, and Ford and Stan will also stay here" my father told me as he stuffed his mouth with waffles. Sap glared at him with a disgusting look that literally screamed, don't speak while you're eating you idiot.

Our familiars are..... different. Oni is a really cheerful out of the three, cheerful and positive, suiting my sister's attitude. Sap is very protective, caring, and pretty serious, kind of, he has his cite moments, but it's obvious that my father needs him to be like this, even though it's not his choice, my father is lucky to have that ball of fur because Sap has helped him a lot, including saving him when my dad is being awfully stupidly reckless or just pure careless.... I wonder if it's my dad who's lucky to have Sap or us for having someone such as Sap to look after my idiotic gentle kind father. And Sune, she's..... kind of tsundere protective, and pretty sarcastic when it comes down to it, but she is very kind and gentle.... when she needs to be that is, I've seen her turn yandere, and it's scary.

"Dipper and Mabel....?" Liz furrowed her brows as she asked that, not really sure who they are.

"The two kids that used to play with you when you were younger" I told her, pointing my spoon at her as I chewed. Of course, I spoke with food in my mouth.

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