Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up to find a sun shining brightly on my face, and a sparrow chirping on my desk. As I sat up, the sparrow chirped at me then flew away.

A couple days have passed, since Bill turned to a kid. He must have turned back and left at night. Somehow, that thought hurts, I shook my head and climbed off my bed, stretching, only to be tackled.

"Oof" I spoke as I looked up, and saw my sister, more cheerful than ever, with a messy head, glossy, hazy eyes and an oily face that clearly suggested that she just woke up.

"Sister!" She exclaimed with a huge smile.

"I'm listening" I raised an eyebrow.

"The eggs hatched! Can you believe it? A couple of hatchlings!" She squealed "they are so cute!"

"You better feed them properly every hour or they'll die, when did they hatch?" I asked her and her eyes widened, she jumped off me and ran off, probably to feed the birds. I sighed and sat up, rubbing the place where my head met with the floor. Not a nice pleasant meeting, or anything of that sort.

Standing up, I stumbled to my bathroom and did my morning routine, dressing myself in casual clothes. Slapping myself a couple times lightly to wake myself up, I went downstairs and greeted everyone.

"Good morning everyone!" I smiled as my father smiled back at me.

"Good morning (y/n)" he said and I nodded.

"Good morning" Sune spoke up, curled up on the couch besides Sap.

"Morning" he spoke lazily and I rolled my eyes, surprised he isn't fully up yet.

Dipper and Mabel are likely at the shack, helping Soos out, he seemed overworked.

"Where is Abigor?" I asked my father, noticing his very lacking presence.

"Oh, the boy left for the library just a small while ago" my father set out the breakfast. Bacon, egg, and milk.

"I see" I nodded, setting down and starting eating. He is pretty busy these days, usually spending his time at the library when he is not out for adventuring with us. What is up with this boy? Oh well, today, we will find out exactly that.

"What are thinking about kid?" My father asked "and where is your sister?"

"Her eggs hatched, she is feeding the hatchlings" I explained and Sune jumped up.

"I wanna see!" At her sudden childishness, I chuckled, she glared at me but quickly hurried upstairs. My father chuckled as well.

"At least she will learn something from this, I hope they don't die" my father sighed, already worried.

"Don't worry, they don't.... or so I hope as well" I smiled, nervous. It took me a while to finish my breakfast before I stood up, my father turning to me.

"Where are you going?" Already knowing that I will be late, my father asked.

"I am going to see Abigor, I want to know what he does at that library" I told my father and he nodded, turning to his own breakfast.

I stepped out of my house and closed the door, only to be pulled into the Mindscape. I groaned.

"What do you want, Cipher?" I asked him with narrowed eyes.

"Why so rude? Can't I come to check up on a friend" he spoke in a fake sad language.

"Yeah sure, as if I'm actually your friend" I rolled my eyes.

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