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The horde of people were being directed to the main hall to take a seat and prepare for the auction.

Whilst they were relaxed I was sweating bullets; what if I messed this up? What if I got the guy lost? What if my ear piece didn't work? What if there was a fire? Where were the fire exists? What if-

"Juliet" the voice said loudly into my left ear. I held the button down as Kenna had instructed and said, "yep here".

"Lovely. Your first guy is arriving right now so if you want to head down to the front to get him" Kenna said loud and clear.

"Loud and clear" I said repeating my thought process and mentally slapping myself afterwards. Kenna laughed into my ear and said, "great".

I felt my face flush as I left the room and made my way to the front.

Others dressed in white were running around and I swerving in between them. I walked past the coat collection point and saw a guy and a girl relaxing and laughing.

I mentally sighed, that could've been me.

I reached the front of the venue and saw a black 4x4 parked. The door at the back closest to me opened and a guy dressed in a black suit stepped out.

As he approached me I took in his tanned skin, dark brown hair and eyes and chiselled face. Now I understood what Ashleigh meant by their looks being a talent.

"Hey" the guy said as he stopped in front of me. "Are you-" I pulled out the list from my back pocket and read the first name, "Kane Hudson?"

"The one and only" he said pulling a dazzling smile that in any other case would have knocked my socks off.

"Er great, yeah uh-follow me" I said and turned towards the building and followed the same path Ashleigh had shown me earlier.

For every three steps I took I looked back to ensure that Kane was still behind me and he was thankfully.

We got to the room and I let out a deep breath. "Are you okay?" he asked with a small smirk on his face. "Yep" I said, "just completely petrified that I'm going to muck this up".

He took a seat on the sofa and looked at me. "Well.." he drew out and then paused to look at me and seemed to be waiting for something.

Upon realising he was waiting for my name I quickly muttered, "oh er, I'm Juliet". He smiled and nodded, "Well Juliet, I think you're doing a great job".

My heart rate calmed a little as I smiled and nodded, "that's good to hear".

"So Juliet" he paused as he sat further back to get more comfortable, "tell me about yourself".

"I'm Juliet Thomas" I started and he nodded, "I'm a first year in history and I am currently working as a makeshift angel to auction off men".

Kane chuckled deeply as he held out his hand, "nice to meet you Juliet".

I took his hand and shook it as he then started, "I'm Kane Hudson, I'm a third year and I'm allowing myself to be auctioned off to God knows who to do God knows what".

I laughed and nodded, "nice to meet you too".

"What leads a man to be auctioned off?" I asked. Kane looked like he was thinking for a moment as he then began, "most people in my situation would say it's because they really care for their graduation party, but the truth teller in me is forcing me to tell you that it was a certain blonde haired someone that told me if I didn't do this I'd lose some things I'm pretty attached too".

"I'm assuming the forceful blonde was Ashleigh?" I asked with a slight giggle. He nodded and replied, "that's one point for you Juliet Thomas".

"To save some awkward guessing I'll tell you that my balls were the things she threatened I would lose" he had a slight grimace on his face.

"So no mucking about then" I said with wide eyes, "yeah no mucking about" he chuckled.

"Hey I'm Ashleigh you're MC for this evening and very soon we're going to have on our first man of the evening" Ashleigh voice called from behind the door and earned a loud round of applause.

"Doesn't that sound daunting" Kane said quickly, I nodded and replied, "very".

"Juliet you're on in ten" Kenna called into my ear. "Right right" I said back into the ear piece.

"Is it already time to go?" Kane asked standing up and brushing down his suit. "How do I look?" he asked.

"Ready to be fed to the lionesses" I replied and brought the smile back to his face. We walked over to the door and I opened it up.

"Any advice?" He said looking into my eyes. Normally, a guy as cute as Kane, at this proximity, would have had me buckling at the knees but our conversation had soothed my nerves.

"Think of how awesome your graduation party is going to be rather than the amount of eyes staring at you" I said honestly.

"Welcoming on Kane Hudson!" Ashleigh's voice called.

He let out a low laugh as he said, "thank you Juliet Thomas".

I patted his shoulder as I replied, "Good luck out there Kane Hudson", with one final dazzling smile he made his way to the stage.

All of a sudden I heard cheering and whistling, good luck Kane Hudson.

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