C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - F I V E

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As I turned around my eyes subconsciously raked the specimen before me. He was once again wearing a drool worthy black suit but this time he was dressed in a black shirt rather than white. My eyes lingered slightly on his chest region and slightly marvelled at how broad it was.

"So about that compliment" he suggested as my eyes shot up to meet the smirk on his face.

I was not going to admit out loud to him that he looked decent...okay pretty decent..okay, he looked quite hot; for a blonde my subconscious reminded me, never failing to put me in my place.

"From the sounds of it I think you know how good you look" I replied sassily,

"Miss Thomas is that you agreeing that I look good?" He teased cockily as I replayed my sentence and realised that I had just admitted he looked good.

"I didn-" before I could finish Noah stepped forward with wide arms, "now about that hug".

"I don-"again, without him waiting to fully hear out my protests he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I was brought into his broad chest and was surrounded by his intoxicating smell of pine wood and mint.

"It's not a hug if you don't reciprocate Juliet" he whispered making me shudder slightly. I brought my arms around his waist and felt him slightly tense underneath my fingers and then relax simultaneously.

We pulled away from each other as the grin on his face stood out against his triple black attire. "Where are you off to?" Genji asked looking at my outfit, "just for a run to the park" I replied, "these early lectures have really been hindering my free natured spirit".

"Do you think it's safe going to a park alone at this time?" Noah asked with a serious expression moulded into his face.

"It's only 4:45ish" I answered back, "isn't it too early to be leaving for the dinner?" I tested back.

"It starts at 6" Genji answered for him as he continued to say, "I'm not trying to side with him girl, female power and all, but to going alone is a bit dangerous"

I placed one hand on my hip as I teased, "so there's no slight bias whatsoever with Noah taking you to this dinner?"

Genji put his hands on his hips as he said, "well Juliet I'm not going to lie to you, it does give him brownie points but stranger danger is more serious than how many brownie points you each have".

Genji placed one hand next to his mouth as he half whispered half shouted to me so that Noah could here, "you're up at the top of the leaderboard Ju but Noah is fast approaching", Noah chuckled quietly at Genji's comment.

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed lightly, "I like to believe I can look after myself with my dad being a police officer and all, he's taught me enough but thanks for the concern" I commented, "I'll be sure to avoid dimly lit areas and groups of anti social teens" I mocked.

"Yeah well I don't think-" before Noah could finish whatever rant there was a honking sound from behind them as someone called out, "come on James let's go!"

Genji's excited face matched his tone as he said, "catch you later Ju" and ran to the car, Noah eyed me for a few more moments as he said, "be careful Juliet" and with a gentle nod also left for the cars with a serious look still embroidered on his face.

I plugged my headphones in, clicked play to my running playlist and as Maneater by Nelly Furtado started playing my legs starting going.

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