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"It's all gone now though" I pouted again on realising my new finding and tipping it upside down.

"Do you want more?" He asked looking at the expression on my face. I nodded in reply as he said, "as a thank you for not ruining my shirt I'll escort you" he said chuckling to himself.

I followed him through the mass of people back into the kitchen. I beelined directly towards the sink and began half filling my cup once again.

My slightly blurred vision was making the task excessively harder as I kept trying to put the water into the open hole of the cup.

A large hand covered my hand that was covering the cup. I turned my head to see Noah right behind me as he said, "unless you're aiming to wet your whole arm in the process let me help".

I allowed him to assist filling the cup and once it was, full that is, devoured it whole. "You're one hydrated woman" he laughed.

"No, I'm a dehydrated woman" I said making him laugh harder. "I think I've had enough alcohol for one evening" I winged at his obvious teasing.

"Mmm" Noah said in agreement watching me. I stumbled towards the back door and fell on it, "just here" Noah said opening the door. I began to fall through just as Noah caught me by my waist.

"Let's sit down hmm?" Noah suggested assisting me down the steps to sit on them.

I could immediately feel the cold, fresh air slightly clearing my head. "Didn't think you'd be at this?" Noah asked rubbing his jeans for obvious warmth.

"Why's that?" I tested, "don't think I can have fun?!" I continued staring him down. Noah held his hands up in defence as he said, "hey no! It's not a party first years are ever invited to" he said.

"Oh" I mumbled realising that he couldn't have been having the same assumption as Elle. "Elle!" I called realising my drunk self was the perfect opportunity to show her how much fun I could have.

"No I'm Noah?" Noah asked with clear confusion. "Not you" I swatted my hand at him as I pulled out my phone and dialled Elle's number.

"Go for Goldman" Elle called from the other end.

"I told you that doesn't work" I stated.

"Works for me"

"It's not yours though" I hiccuped.

"Says who?" Elle teased.

"Says me" I stated confidently

"Moving on" Elle said, "please tell me how's the party if you're there at all"

I could hear the teasing tone in her voice, "fun is in full effect Elle".

"Is that why you called me Elle?" Noah asked interrupting our conversation, "because I asked about you being at the party?"

"Shh!" I shouted at Noah as I went back to Elle.

"And I'm having as much fun as one can have when having fun" I mumbled out.

"Firstly you're drunk" Elle laughed and then paused, "but who's the guy?". The tone in her voice had changed from a jovial one to a devilish one.

"N-no one" I stuttered as Noah leant forward and said into the phone before I could pull it away, "Noah James nice to meet you Elle".

"What a sexy name" she stated, " I hope your face is the same".

"Elle!" I hissed into the phone.

"Oh I see, no flirting with your guy" she replied cheekily.

"He's not my guy!" I defended.

"Why are you with him then?" She asked,

"His shirt..then I fell..now we're here" I mumbled out trying to remember all the fuzzy details that were making my head hurt.

"You can tell me your sex story later, go have fun with your guy" she chuckled hanging up.

I stared at my phone for a few seconds with a horrified face.

"So apparently we had sex" Noah stated with a half grin.

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