C H A P T E R F I F T Y - F I V E

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Ryder leant in closer as I pushed against his chest.

Suddenly the door was thrown open and a furious Noah stood as the culprit.

"Again?!" He shouted in fury at the pair of us.

"What the hell Juliet?!" He shouted looking at me with a face full of pained anger.

"Noah this isn't..I didn't.." I stumbled over my words trying to find the best way to diffuse the situation,

"Is it because he's not blonde?" He said to me and I shook my head furiously, "no Noah I-"

"You'll never pick me will you" he interrupted.

His scowling face made my spine run cold, "I hope you're happy together" he spat more at me then Ryder.

"But you" he said pointing at Ryder menacingly, "fuck you" and he walked over and punched Ryder right across the face.

I squealed at the sight of Ryder flying off of my bed and onto the floor. I looked back at Noah and met his intense stare that was centred on me.

Then he left.

I walked over to Ryder to help him up off of the floor and saw the bruise already forming around his jaw. His lip was bleeding as he wiped it away with his fingers, "damn my mouth" he muttered.

"Are you ok?" I asked standing him up almost,

"I will be when you kiss it better", with that I shoved him back to the floor and left him there.


I ran after Noah as I heard my mum calling, "Juliet what happened?". I closed the door and stepped out into the rain.

I ran down the drive and looked both left and right for Noah. The rain was pouring down and seeing anything was a near impossible task.

I saw at the end of the road and prayed that it was Noah as I ran towards it.

"Noah!" I called after the figure, "Noah!"

The figure didn't stop walking and I worried for a moment that the lack of response was because it really wasn't Noah but as I got closer I could recognise it was him, just wetter.

"Noah!" I shouted as I reached him and he turned to face me.

"Leave me alone Juliet" he responded as the rain fell harder around us. "Nothing happened" I begged as his eyes were stone cold.

"It didn't sound like it" he spat with a tense jaw. "The kiss he wanted to do 'again' was a kiss from when we were 15" I explained quickly.

Tears began to fall from my face but mixed with the rain, I was hoping it would go unnoticed.

The look of confusion led me to explain further, "I had a stupid crush on him when I was younger and he was my first kiss and he's come back and is the same arrogant arsehole. My crush disappeared as soon as I realised how much of a dick he was".

Noah listened intently but didn't say anything. "Out of all people he was your first kiss?" He questioned.

I let out a sad laugh as I said "out of all the things I said that's what you picked up on?". The rain was cold and standing here I began to shiver.

"I'm sorry" he whispered unable to look at me.

"Sorry?" I repeated slightly shocked, "you've never said-"

"I know" he interrupted, "but it's much easier to say when you realise how scary a thought it is to have something you can't afford to lose".

"Juliet I love you" he said not missing a beat and I felt my mind seize up and my body tense.

"I need you to know because I was hoping you'd know why I fell for you so quickly" he muttered stepping closer.

I stepped away shaking my head, "Noah you can't like me" the tears were falling and at this point it wasn't something the rain could disguise.

"Why Juliet? Because I'm blonde? I think you've fallen for me like I've fallen for you. Just admit it" he claimed with pained eyes.

"There's nothing to admit" I said quietly,


"Liar" my subconscious said at the same time as him.

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