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"Number 3 is rolling on up" Kenna called getting me to off the sofa.

To pass up time I had taken to texting Elle and telling her about the serious man candy I was suffering with, she refused to see it as suffering.

The 4x4 which I was now all too familiar with was parked up as the black suited guy exited the back doors. His gelled brown hair and blue eyes were distinctive and his chiselled face and muscular body were evident to even a blind person.

"Jaxon King? Hey I'm Juliet" I asked to the guy remembering to take on board Ezra's comment about introductions.

"I was going to say you can call me Jax angel but as you're Juliet I'll be your Romeo" he said with a wink causing me to suppress an eye roll that could be no good for my sanity.

"Actually I'm looking for Jaxon King" I said sarcastically as I started to look past him, or tried to at least.

"No it's definitely me Angel, let's go" he said stepping towards me and wrapping his arm across my shoulders.

I followed the corridor to the room, trying to pick up speed to remove his weight of an arm from where it was perched but his long strides were very capable of keeping up with mine.

Upon arrival I spun around quick enough for his arm to slide off and then I stepped away.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you're trying to escape me angel" he said with a sly smirk smacked in the middle of his face.

"Well you're not wrong" I spat out in retaliation.

"Oh angel" he said stepping closer to me, "I'm just playing with you".

"Well maybe save that for your audience out there?" I suggested to the mountain of a man.

"Ahh my adoring female fans" he commented. Was this guy serious?

"I know I'm being auctioned off" he continued, "but we could always set up our own little get together" he finished wiggling his eyebrows slightly.

"I'd rather not" I replied bluntly.

"Maybe I could show you around? I know all the helpers are first years. I could give you a little tour?" He suggested.

"I'm good" I replied.

"I might just become your favourite second year. Heck your favourite of any year" he winked.

"I don't think you'll ever be my favourite of anything" I replied curtly.

"I like a woman whose hard to get"

"I like a man that understands no"

"I like a woman who can give me sass"

"I like a man who doesn't mistake rejection for sass", we battled.

"Juliet, it's time" Kenna called into the ear piece.

"Well time to go" I said stepping to open the door as quickly as possible.

"I'll see you around angel" he said with a smirk.

"Welcoming on our very own resident jock, Jaxon King!" Ashleigh called out from the stage.

"I hope not" I replied as he passed me. He patted my behind gently as he sauntered past and I shouted a 'hey!' down the hall he was walking.

"Prick" I muttered shutting the door quite forcefully.

I had met some memorable characters this evening but Jaxon was not one that would be remembered for good reasons.

I heard cheering, whopping and all kinds of noise at what could only be Jax stepping out. I was surprised at how loud everyone was in comparison to the others.

Were they unaware of his dickish personality? Maybe they couldn't see it through his attractive fat head.

I flopped into the sofa, more than welcoming of break number 3.

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