C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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My heart was having palpitations. It was erratic, going mental, combusting, spasming and it wasn't because of the comment that Noah had given in the car -

we were at the circus.

There were very few things in this world that I could honestly admit were able to frighten or scare me.

The dark? Pft try again. Spiders? Come on. Axe wielding murder maniacs? You're not even trying. Clowns? Silence.

That silence was the sound of my impending heart attack at the idea of those red nosed, curly wigged, ark foot sized menaces to society.

The blame could not be placed on Noah. How was he to know that clowns were my deepest, darkest fear? Because they're creepy fuckers my subconscious reminded me.

I second that.

Noah had explained that they were a pop up circus and that he'd been excited to come down and see them all week and as today was their last day he had thought it a brilliant idea to bring me. Brilliant.

My protests to this hell hole had been silenced at his explanation for the pure excitement he had on his face about this place.

"James!" A voice called walking towards us. I recognised neither of them as he and Noah bro hugged it out and the girl and I waved awkwardly at each other.

"Juliet, this is Dom and his girlfriend Kyla" he gestured to them and I greeted them both.

"Bro, this was the coolest idea!" Dom shouted at Noah as he wrapped his arm protectively around Kyla's waist, "let's go get tickets then" he continued.

We walked behind the couple as I yanked Noah's shirt down so his ear was in line with my mouth and I whisper yelled, "we're third wheeling!".

Noah chuckled turning his face to mine so we were inches apart, "can't be considered third wheeling if there's two of us. Anyways this makes it less 'dately'" he gestured with his fingers.

I pushed him away and scowled at him which earned a quiet chuckle from his lips. "Everything okay back there?" Dom asked turning around.

I slapped on the biggest fake smile I own and uttered "brilliant" through gritted teeth.

The tickets were bought and the ticket to hell was wrapped tightly around my wrists. The unbreakable material of the wristband would serve as a reminder to the ticket to Hell that had been purchased.

As Dom, Kyla and Noah scowered the mini park for rides and stalls, I kept a look out for my arch nemesis. Maybe not so much a look out as a look down.

This method of avoidance had led me to consistently bump into people and I had uttered the word 'sorry' about 382 times within the first 15 minutes.

"Juliet what are you looking at?" Noah said stepping next to me and looking at the floor. Intent on keeping his guilt for bringing me to Hell away I said, "I'm admiring how green the grass is".

Noah wrapped his arm around my waist much like Dom had with Kyla as he said, "hmm very green".

"Noah James, remove your hand" I stated as he made a thinking sound and said, "I'll take my hand away when you decide not to admire the green grass as much as you have been for the past 15 minutes".

Damnit. I internally groaned as I peeled my eyes from the floor and Noah's arm and face slightly fell, "I was kind of hoping you'd refuse or something"; I'd wanted to tease and say something like 'not in my frail and frightened state' but instead ran with a shoulder shrug.

Noah's furrowed eyebrows frightened me for a moment but was relieved as Dom ran over shouting, "dude I found the haunted house!"

I had spoken too soon.

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