C H A P T E R F O U R T Y - F O U R

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"Mum!" I called back in alarm as Noah and I stepped out the car and I was attacked by her.

"I've missed you so much! Your dad doesn't understand stuff like you do!" She continued to shriek but louder as she was next to my ear,

"I'm right here" I heard my dad call as I saw him step out through the threshold.

I watched as my dad made a direct beeline for Noah and eyed him up on the way. "Nice to meet you sir, I'm Noah James" Noah said holding out his hand for my dad to shake.

My mum pulled away from me to get a glance of Noah as my dad said, "due to parenting guidelines I'm under instruction to tell you to call me Mr Thomas but as you're apparently not dating my daughter I'm sure you can call me Ben" My dad and Noah started chuckling as they shook hands and my mum sauntered over,

"Oh shh Ben, nice to meet you Noah I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Betty" she smiled swatting my dads chest as she threw her arms around him also.

Noah, hesitant at first, captured my mum in a hug as my dad stepped towards me. "Hey kiddo" he said pulling me into yet another hug, "hey dad" I replied.

"You're sure he's not a boyfriend?" My dad questioned pulling away as I chuckled, "nothing of the sort" I said.

My mum was squealing to a frightened looking Noah about something that I couldn't quite hear. "Anyways!" she continued to squeal turning around, "let's go inside and have something to eat" and without waiting for anyone she rushed inside.

"She's a little bit excited?" I teased with my dad as Noah joined us on our way back into the house. My dad shook his head as he replied, "that's the biggest understatement of the year".

Without a passing thought about the bags that still had to be pulled from the boot of my car we walked into the living room.

Noah's eyes darted around the room as did mine. I stared around the room for the purpose of seeing just how much things had changed since I'd left - not much was the answer to that.

"Snacks kids!" My mum called from the next room, "hope you're hungry" I muttered to Noah, "a snack for her is a 3 course meal for us".Noah chuckled quietly as I showed him the way to the dining room.

Just as I had suspected, my mum had lain the table with enough food to feed a village. "I didn't know what you liked Noah so I did a bit of everything" she explained.

"I can see that" I muttered quietly to mostly myself as Noah replied politely, "This is wonderful thank you Mrs Thomas".

"Oh honey, call me Betty. Mrs Thomas makes me feel old"

"Mrs Thomas should serve as a wonderful reminder of the amazing man you married" my dad teased walking over to her and kissing her.

"PPDA!" I groaned at my parents,

"PPDA?" Noah repeated with a curious face. I shook my head and said, "it stands for parental public display of affection that I never fail to mention to my parents that it is not necessary for me to see".

Noah chuckled and shook his head in understanding, "oh Noah she's always complained, we're so use to it by now that sometimes we do it just for the purpose of annoying her" my dad stated.

"Hey!" I grumbled as I realised what my dad had said, "I think parents should always try to keep the spark alive" Noah joked but I couldn't help my cringe slightly at the reference to parental affection.

It immediately reminded me of the rough patch that his parents were going through and I couldn't help but feel the twinge of guilt resting in my chest.

"I wouldn't worry though Noah" my mum said suddenly, "I blame it on her love life or lack thereof but I have a feeling with you around that it's getting back on track or rather starting".

I could hear Noah chuckling next to me and looking over at him I could see a small blush on his cheeks, however, I couldn't help but stand there with my mouth hanging open.

"Juliet don't stand there like that or you'll run him off" my mum said pointing at Noah as she reentered the kitchen.

"Don't worry you couldn't run me off"

His whisper was then drowned out by the unpreventable fluttering of my heart and by the smile on his face, maybe, just maybe, he'd heard it too.

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