C H A P T E R F I F T Y - F O U R

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I sat in my room alone for the first time in a while. I needed this space to think about, decide and choose my next move.

Dad had work this morning as he said 'crime never sleeps' and mum had insisted that she needed a 'strong young man' to assist her with the shopping and so had taken an angry Noah with her.

He hadn't spoken to me since the whole ordeal in my room and I could feel a burning in my chest over it. The rain was pouring thunderously outside as I sat there evaluating my options.

Noah suspected that my reluctance came from him being blonde but that wasn't even it anymore.

Somewhere along the way I had started to care for Noah more than I should have and his hair colour hadn't played a part in that, so why would it now? But I was so use to shutting blondes down that it was almost a default mechanism.

Relationships, as my mum so thankfully told him, had been near to non existent and so experience in that department lacked for me.

I had kissed Noah. I had slept with Noah. So what was holding me back? I couldn't answer it myself.

I heard quick knocking echo through the house and I quickly jumped up to answer it.

I opened the door and my heart stopped.

"Ryder?" I whispered out at the wet boy in front of me.

"Hey blondie" he smirked as I cringed at the old nickname he gave me.

Ryder had always found it incredulously funny that I refused to like or date blonde people and assured his nickname would never let him or I forget it.

"Aren't you going to invite me inside?" He questioned leaning on the door frame. "Now why would I do that" I spat at him,

"Because you missed me blondie" and with that he pushed his way inside.

I slammed the door shut after him as he trudged his way into the kitchen. He walked over to the fridge as if this were his own home and pulled out one of my dads cokes.

"Glad to see some things haven't changed" he laughed popping it open and taking a sip, "but then again it's nice to see things that have changed as well" and I watched his eyes shamelessly roll up my body and I felt slightly conscious of myself under his scrutinising gaze.

"You're looking good blondie" he said taking another sip of his coke and then licking his lips, "it's a shame I can't say the same to you Ryder" I retorted.

"You're feistier than I remember" he said pouting and tilting his head slightly, "Well I don't ca-"

"I like it" he interrupted with a grin.

I huffed in annoyance as I said, "why are you here Ryder?"

"I thought I'd come and see my blondie"

"Well I wish you hadn't"

He stepped closer to me until I backed up against the wall, "you won't be saying that for too long blondie".

He pulled away with a coy grin as he turned and I heard him make his way up the stairs. My bedroom door was wide open and I scowled as I walked in.

"Get off my bed!" I shouted running to him to try and push him off, "your clothes are all wet!",

He laughed loudly as he said, "is that your way of trying to get my clothes off",

"No it wa-"

"Because it's working" he interrupted again and threw of his t shirt. "Ryder put your clothes back on" I scolded.

He paid no attention to my words as he threw it on my floor and laid back onto my bed. I stormed over and pulled his arm to try and get him off to no avail.

"Ryder you're making it wet" I moaned tugging as hard as possible, "am I?" He said sitting up and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I blushed furiously and swatted his chest, "you're disgusting". He pulled me onto the bed with him as I immediately retracted from him.

To stop me from fleeing the bed he grabbed either side of my waist and asked, "blondie do you remember when we were about 15 and you had your little crush on me?"

"No I don't" I retorted as I felt a slight blush crawling up my neck but kept the scowl continuous.

"Well" he said pulling me closer as I put my hands on his chest to push some space between us,

"I think we should try that kiss again"

I Dont Date BlondesWhere stories live. Discover now