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"Go Noah!" the four of us cheered in unison as the crowd started to gain weight.

Noah gave us a winning salute with a fist bump and sent another smile our way that he had been continuously sending.

After the revelation of our presence, his gaze would lock on us every now and again and he would grin like the Cheshire Cat.

Students and professors were huddled together in the crowd to watch the physicists and their creations.

Some were large, some were small, some were stand alone and others had all sorts of contraptions on them.

Genji, Emilia, Lars and I were discussing the likelihood of each V surviving the trip down the Hill and were falling short of victors - apart from Noah of course.

As we were discussing the likelihood of the V of contestant number 14 which looked built like a metal shield the crowd started to quiet as a grey haired man stepped out onto the Hill.

He looked along the line of V holding participants and nodded to them. "You guys know what this project is worth and I'm sure you're all as excited as me to see if you conquer the Hill".

The greying teacher turned to the crowd as he shouted, "let project V commence!". Cheers and hollers sounded from the crowd as we went wild.

After a minute of ear splitting sound there was silence. The physics class readied their V's as the professor walked off of the Hill to the side the crowd were not standing.

"3!" He called as participants levelled their V's with the ground.

"2!" He continued as those with contraptions readied them for takeoff.

"1!" He said as I watched Noah take a deep and slow breath.

"Go!" He shouted as the V's were released in unison. Some took two rolls and thudded to the ground immediately, some gained great speed as they embarked down the hill but there was one student who still possessed his V.

A ginger haired boy at the end of the line was trying his hardest to pull some kind of strip from under the V. Seeing his clear struggle the student next to him pulled the strip as fast as he could but sent the V spiralling into the air horizontally.

Members of the crowd screamed as the V flew over our heads causing us to duck and the student to hold his face in utter shock. "I'd call that a fail" Lars muttered with his hair strewn all over the place.

We all quickly looked back down to the V's still in competetion and could see that the ones that were still going were going strong.

There were roughly 10 V's rolling down the Hill and I was happy to notice that Noah's was one of them.

His V had weights on the middle and either end of the V and stood out as one of the least bulked V's.

However, the 10 remainers still had the flat plateau to face. As the V's neared the end of the steep the crowd set upon creating a climax effect with a sound of, "ooohhh" that increased in sound as it neared the flat.

V's bounced as they adjusted to the flat plane and we watched as 3 were immediately taken out.

The final challenge was nearing for the makeshift V's as they had to stop at the bottom to create the V like shape. The flat was guaranteed to slow and stop them but at what point was uncertain.

The V's began to slow and I was certain that just about everyone in the area was holding their breath.

1 of the V's stopped faster than the rest and landed on its side with a thud. There were 6 remaining. Whichever one failed now would lose out on the dinner and the credits.

2 began to wobble and to choose which one would topple first was impossible. A bright red V and a wonky shaped V were the two slowing next. The red one began to turn slower and slower and the wonky one began to lose the circular motion of the turn.

It seemed as if the wonky one was a goner but then the red failed to make the next rotation and ended up on its side.

The wonky one followed shortly but had been successful.

4 V's remained and as they slowed to a halt. One had stopped up side down, one had stopped on an arm of the V but two had finished with the V shape.

2 V's were victorious - A V that was rounded in each corner and of course, Noah's.

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