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About 20 minutes after Noah had left the crowds were dispersing and the 'angels', as we were, were finally resting.

"Great job people! I'll see you tomorrow" I could hear Ashleigh calling down the corridor.

"Yeah..great..see you!" She said almost sounding to get nearer.

"Yeah tomorrow at 8" she said sounding as if she was outside the room, then she walked in.

"Juliet!" She squealed making me stand from the sofa, "you did an amazing job!".

She walked over and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "It was like Hannah was here! You did the job perfectly" she commented.

I nodded and breathed out a 'thanks' with the air left in my lungs after her bear hug.

"I just wanted to come over here and tell you that there will be a party at my house for all the people who really helped this evening. It's normally only for second, third and fourth years as firsts don't do a lot but you really stepped up" she said unraveling her arms from me.

"Oh right" I said putting a smile on my face. In this moment I was really uncertain on whether or not going to a party was the best idea, especially since I was so new.

"It's at 8 but here's my number", she handed me a card with her name, phone number and email and it screamed organisation at me.

"Thanks Ashleigh" I said with a smile. She returned the gesture back and said, " no, thank you".

She then waved and left me in the room, alone, once again. So I took the opportunity to stretch out my limbs out and take a seat on the sofa.

I pulled out my phone to text Elle about my progress this evening and tell her the details about each encounter and saw a text from my mum.

I text Elle saying: The night is finally over!

I had a response within 2 minutes, on our scale of 1 to fun where are we placing it? she text. I laughed as I sent her back the number 7.

I cant decide if that is worthy enough for a first night at college but we can compare it to mine and then understand our bearings, she replied.

You think you're college experience will beat mine? I teased in response. At this point our texts were frequent enough to call a conversation,

E: I'm not trying to blow my own horn here Ju but we know who is more fun out of the two of us.

J: And the answer to that question is most definitely me!!

E: If someone was to offer you the opportunity to go to anther country without a moments notice would you?

J: Well of course not, I'd have to pack, tell my parents, have currency checked out, a hotel booked and other things?

E: That's where we differ bestie, I would jump on a plane in a heartbeat.

J: That's recklessness...

E: That is true adventure...

I wondered for a moment if telling Elle was the smartest move but I couldn't let her win because I would have never lived it down,

J: True adventure is going to a party full of second, third and fourth year students where first years are a no go

E: I guess...If you were to actually go

J: Hey! What are you trying to say!

E: That you would never go LOL

J: I would and I am!

E: I'll believe that when I see that

J: Just you wait

It seemed like I had an answer, I was going to that party and was going to prove to Elle that I knew how to have fun and that I was epic at it too.

I stood up from the sofa and made my way down the corridor. Most people had left by this stage and there were a few groups of people remaining and mingling. Currently I just wanted to go back to my room and sleep - avoiding the boxes while I was at it.

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