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Ryder Goldman.

Egotistical, arrogant, rude, cocky and most importantly, arsehole of our doting community.

I had grown up with him by default as he was Elle's brother but I despised him. He was two years older than us and is currently serving in the army.

You think that they'd be able to knock some discipline into him and hopefully some manners but no. If they couldn't do it there was no hope for the rest of us.

Like most teenage girls I had fallen for the whole bad boy aura that Ryder showcased back when we were 15 and so when he offered to kiss me for the first time I couldn't and didn't want to say no.

I was more than ashamed to admit that he had been my first kiss but we went no further as I realised how much of an asshat he was and the crush soon dissipated.

My thoughts were competently focused on Ryder and his return that I was paying no attention to my surroundings and was quickly pulled back by Noah.

"Juliet do you have a death wish or did you just want to walk into oncoming traffic?!" He shouted at me. My gaze hit the ground as I mumbled out a 'sorry' and then a 'thank you'.

"Yeah well be careful next time" he said softer this time. "Are you okay?" He continued.

"I'm sorry my mind has been totally elsewhere and I'm meant to be showing you around" I sighed and shook my head,

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked watching me and I shook my head again.

"Then can we talk about last night?"

I sucked a breath in sharply. It wasn't unexpected but it had surprised me. I knew he would want to talk about it but I didn't know when and I didn't know what I would say either .

"What about it?" I asked.

He stopped me and tilted my chin to meet his stare, "why?"

"Why?" I repeated staring back at him.

"Why did you ask me why I stopped", I gulped.

"I don't know Noah. I don't know what to tell you" and with my response he sighed,

"You won't admit it will you?" He asked with a strain of frustration in his voice, "admit what?" I prodded.

He shook his head, "you're so stubborn". Stubborn. That was exactly what Emilia had said Noah thought of me. Stubborn and reluctant.

"Am I reluctant too?" I asked getting slightly upset. He watched me with furrowed eyebrows as he said, "what are you talking about?".

"Am I stubborn? Am I reluctant Noah?" I said getting slightly angry, "Emilia said this is probably what you thought of me" I said pulling my arm out of his grip and walking further out of the park.

I could hear Noah running up behind me and I began to run too. I don't know why I started running and I don't know why I believed I could out sprint him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and leant me against the nearest tree so that his arms could trap me either side, "she has no idea how I think or feel about you".

I couldn't even look at him as I could feel myself getting upset and didn't want to say something I didn't mean. "Juliet I think you're amazing, beautiful, intelligent, helpful, kind and I wish you could see how I feel about you because God knows I don't know how to describe it".

His shaky breath fanned my face and his words calmed my nerves as he continued, "seeing you smile is something I want to make you do whenever I'm around, you make me nervous and confident all at the same time, you make my heart race and my palms sweat but mostly you make me wish that I had met you sooner and swept you completely off of your feet before your damn blonde rule".

His words wormed their way directly to my heart. He was crawling further and further into this hole he was burrowing and it seemed like he was here to stay.

So I didn't think. I just acted.

I pulled his lips right onto mine.

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