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Everett had been gone for around 5 minutes and amidst my break Kenna radioed through saying, "guy number 5 is here".

I replied, "already?".

"Ashleigh is making a killing out there" she said, "the boys are selling fast".

I got up off the sofa for what was the final time this evening and made my way to the front.

The 4x4 was ready as the back door swung open.

The guy was dressed in the usual, tight fitting, black suit. His eyes were a deep brown and the small smile on his face was swoon worthy. Running my eyes further up his body I made one more discovery, he was blonde.

His hair was messy but styled and he had a definite charm about him. "Noah James?" I asked.

"I er yeah" he said seeming slightly unsure.

"Are you sure about that?" I teased.

He smiled and nodded his head, "that's definitely me but I don't know about this whole thing", he gestured to the venue, "being me".

"Well you're here now. So if you can follow me" I gestured for him to follow me down the corridor.

His footsteps followed behind me to the room. Upon entry he took a seat on the sofa.

"This isn't your kind of thing?" I asked looking at the guy in front of me.

"Not at all" he said shaking his head and leaning backwards into the seat.

"What you'll do for a graduation party hmm" I commented.

"Not my graduation party, my sisters" he said watching me.

"Your sister?" I asked him and leant against the wall once again, "yeah Ashleigh the top dog around here".

"Ashleigh is your sister?" I all but squealed to Noah, he laughed, "yeah she's my sister so she thinks he can tell me what to do".

I giggled at his comment, "Well here you are, so she can't be that wrong".

"Ashleigh is never wrong" he said laughing and shaking his head.

"You said she's your sister so you're either twins or..?" I asked unsure of how to actually pose the question.

"Yeah she's older than me, I'm a second year but was put forward by her by what we'll call default" he laughed in response.

"I've heard some stories about how Ashleigh has been rounding you guys up" I commented with earned a deep laugh from Noah.

"She's a resourceful woman I'll give her that" he said continuing to laugh.

"So where do you fit into this miss Juliet?" Noah questioned.

"Other than my apparent 'rite of passage'?" I asked using my fingers to gesture quotation marks once again.

He nodded and chuckled lightly, "other than that" he said.

"Absolutely nothing, I'm filling in for someone else" I said.

"Ahh so you got more than you bargained for?" He teased making me laugh.

"I expected coat collector but now I'm 'escortee and entertainer'" I motioned with my fingers and a bow.

"So both of our job descriptions require entertainment?" He commented, "well then maybe you should come on stage with me".

I shook my head and held up my hands in defence, "that's just for you buddy" I said as he laughed.

"Maybe if I spoke to Ashleigh she'd auction you off too" he teased, "then I can slip away".

"But Mr James you forget I now know your master plan and I won't let you get away with it" I teased in return.

We laughed as he asked, "we could run away together?",

"You'd be the only person running from something" I teased back.

"You'd be running from this job?" He commented trying to reason with me.

I laughed as I said, "it's not going to work Noah, you're in this for the long haul".

"Juliet you know the drill" Kenna called into my ear as I stood up off of the wall.

"Your audience is waiting Mr James" I said walking over to the door and opening it.

"Already?" He moaned as he stood up, smoothed his suit and walked over to the door.

Ashleigh voice suddenly echoed down the hall as we heard, "it's now time for our final auction of the evening, my brother, Noah James!"

"Maybe another time you can save me?" He asked stepping next to me.

"Another time" I agreed to get him out of the room and on the stage. "Until next time Juliet" he said.

"Good luck out there Noah" I teased with a smile.

"Yeah I think I'm going to need it" he said as he smiled one last time and made his way to the stage.

The crowd cheered and I took a seat, now that was a job well done.

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