C H A P T E R F O U R T Y - S E V E N

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I was lying in my bed with Noah in his across the hall and all I could think about was our nearly, almost, whatever it was.

My mind was ticking and my muscles were twitching as I relayed the whole thing over and over again in my head. What had he been playing at? Why now? What did he want to achieve? What did he think would happen? Why did he stop?

Woah. Where did that last one come from? I shook my head and sat up, swinging my legs out of the blanket. It was not fair that I was losing sleep over his stupid actions and he was across the way sleeping like a baby.

Not bothering to attend to my attire or current state I stormed out of my room and straight into his. Walking into the room I could hear his deep breathing immediately.

I stormed over and flicked on the lamp next to his head, he stirred immediately as his eyes slowly blinked open. "Juliet?" He breathed out in a deep, sleepy voice that had my knees weak for a second before I brushed it away.

"It's not fair!" I shouted as I pointed directly at his face. His face screwed up into confusion as he just looked up at me, "what were you playing at?!" I wanted to yell but half whispered as to not wake my parents up.

He smirked slyly as he sat up and swung himself out of bed, "Is that was this is about?" He asked running his hand through his hair, "earlier?".

I grabbed the pillow from beside him and swatted him round the head with it.

"What were you fucking playing at!" I called continuing to smack him with the pillow. He fell back slightly as my blows became continuous, "Why now!"

The questions I had earlier were buzzing around my head. "What. Did. You. Want. To. Achieve!" I called hitting him after every word to ensure it sunk in. "Juliet!" He called under my attack.

"What did you fucking think would happen!" I called as he sprung up from the bed and ripped the pillow case from my hands. I went straight for another pillow but his hands held my wrists as he slammed us against the wall.

His furrowed eyebrows caused his eyes to darken as he watched me. His angry gaze pinned me up the wall mentally whilst his body was pinning me physically.

"Juliet I-"

"Why did you stop?" I whispered unable to hold back my need to ask the question. His eyes widened slightly for a moment then his lips were on mine.

At first it was gentle, tentative, as if he was testing to see if I had wanted to kiss him. I pushed my body up against his to deepen the kiss and he took that as confirmation enough.

The kiss became rough and passionate as he dropped the hold on my wrists and grabbed my hips to pull me further into him. My hands fell to his shoulders as one began to run through his hair.

His tongue licked my lips for an opening and I bartered with myself on whether I should give it to him. I lost the choice when he hoisted my legs up and I gasped involuntarily.

His tongue explored my mouth and mine with his as I let out small moan. His grip on my thighs became stronger as I pulled his hair gently. This earned me a moan from him and his deep reverberating sound woke me from my lustful state.

I shoved him away from me but failed to do so very well as he only ended up pulling away with me still in his arms. We were both breathing heavily and his lips were a slight swollen pink that made my heart swell thinking that it was me that had done it.

He gently put me down but didn't lose the close proximity between us. He leant his forehead onto mine as he whispered, "I should get you frustrated more often".

A small smile began to play on my face but I immediately pushed it away as conscious thought and reason came back to me in that moment and I did the most rational thing I could, "good night Noah".

His face was confused only for a second as his eyes searched my face for something but I wasn't sure if he found it as he leant away and left a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Good night Juliet".

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