C H A P T E R F I F T Y - N I N E

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"Kane is thinking of getting an apartment closer to the end of the year and invited me to come and see it with him" Emilia said excitedly as she ate some more crisps.

"Are you going to move in with him?!" I asked with excitement lacing my tone also. "I don't know...I mean he hasn't asked..I'm not sure I'd say yes" she stumbled out,

"Hey Emilia don't worry about it yet. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it and-" the door knocked interrupting my reasoning to calm Emilia.

She jumped off of my bed and walked to the door opening it, "you're here already?" I heard her ask whomever was there.

"I was hoping I could have my girlfriend back now and don't act like it hasn't been a couple of hours" Noah challenged as Emilia walked back next to me. "Maybe later" she teased leaning against my desk.

"Funny you say that" Noah said walking into my room, "I expected you to say something like that and not leave". Noah moved to the side as I saw Kane step in, "I brought reinforcements".

Emilia smiled as Kane walked over, kissed her to obviously distract her and hoisted her over his shoulder. She squealed in delight as he slapped her bum lightly and waved a 'goodbye' to me as he made his way out. "I'll call you later!" Emilia called giggling as Kane closed the door behind them.

"Smart move" I teased getting off my bed and making my way over to Noah. "I try" he said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"How was the supervision?" I asked,

"Same old, same old. Professor gave us light coursework to do over the holiday so I'm pretty happy"

"Nice nice. Got some reading and essays to do, great to see that school won't devour my holidays". Noah seemed slightly distracted as his eyes seemed elsewhere, "are you okay Noah?".

He smiled as he nodded, "don't worry about me babe. I'm all good" he lightly kissed my cheek as he pulled me closer into him.

"Before this goes where I know it's going" I said as Noah pulled away from his trailing kisses, "fancy helping me write this final essay I need done?".

"Sometimes I feel like you're only with me for my knowledge in physics" he teased holding his hand over his heart with a pained expression,

"Well I'm definitely not going to ignore it" I grinned kissing him lightly. He spun me around and wrapped his hands around my waist as he walked us over to my desk.

Noah was lying on my bed whilst I speedily typed out the concluding points to my essay. "Do you think I should send this by email or hand it in as paper?" I asked Noah saving it.

He got up from the bed and looked over my shoulder, "I'd email it and then if there's any issues just say you'll bring it by hand". I began sending it and felt Noah's warm lips trail down my neck and back up again.

"Some would call this a distraction" I teased writing in the professors email.

"I call this flirting with my girlfriend" he breathed against my neck and caused me to slightly shiver.

His teeth began to graze lightly against my neck as I quickly shut my laptop and stood up from my chair.

"I'll do it later" I muttered out quickly as I attached my hands around his neck and pushed my body up against his.

"I like the sound of that" Noah whispered hosting me up so that I could wrap my legs around his waist. Our lips collided in a frenzy as the feeling of Noah absorbed all my senses.

He placed me down on the bed slowly this time as he slowly extracted each item of clothing from my body and I did the same to him in return.

His finger pads trailed slowly over my body as our lips never left each other's. I flipped us over so that I was on top of Noah.

"Juliet what are-" he spoke as I interrupted him,

"Just run with it James" I muttered as I straddled his lap. "Fuck Juliet" he breathed against my neck as his member entered me.

He sucked on my neck as I slowly rode him up and down. The slower pace allowed for Noah to push deeper causing all my senses to overload.

"Noah" I whispered running my nails down his back. "Baby" he called slightly louder as his thrusts got quicker and I could feel my core beginning to tighten.

Then at once pleasure ran through my mind and Noah's body froze underneath me with the same look on his face as mine.

"I love you Noah"

"I love you Juliet"

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