C H A P T E R F I F T Y - T H R E E

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He leant his head on my shoulder and kissed it multiple times as I ran my fingers through his hair.

He threw the condom in the bin and climbed in next to me. My back was to his chest and I felt sleep taking over me as Noah whispered,

"I love you Juliet"


Warm breath tickled my neck as my eyes fluttered open. My body was cocooned with warmth and a strong pair of arms.

I tried to turn around but Noah's arms were holding me down greatly. Noah mumbled in his sleep as he pulled me closer to his chest.

I used this opportunity of movement to turn and I ended up with my face squashed against his chest. "Good morning" he said in his knee weakening sleepy voice.

"Morning" I said drawing patterns on his chest lightly. My mind was running too quickly to process a single thought so I chose not to think.

Noah kissed the top of my head and held me close.

"Your Dad is going to murder me" Noah muttered quietly making me chuckle, "he said no funny business and I had you moaning my name".

His teasing comment brought a blush to my face as Noah continued, "and I know you're blushing" he said gripping my chin and tipping my head up,

"It's the most beautiful thing in the world" he kissed me lightly on the lips.

I hesitated slightly in kissing him back but he didn't notice. My mind and my heart were cheesily enough screaming different things at me and I didn't know which one to choose.

"My mum will probably save you though" I teased breaking the silence and his unwavering stare.

He chuckled lowly, "you think your mum would beat your dad?",

"Of course. He loves her, he'd do anything for her" I said still drawing on his chest.

"I know the feeling" he muttered so quietly that I almost didn't catch it. His words reminded me of last night and his words echoed in my head,

I love you Juliet.

I love you Juliet.

I love you Juliet.

I let out a deep sigh, I need to sort out my mind. Those words had made my mind recoil and my heart skip a beat. They needed to find common ground because if they didn't, I feared I would go insane.

I removed my hand from his chest and placed my head there instead.

I listened to his breathing as I lied on his chest. "It's funny he started" as I looked up to meet his wandering gaze,

"When you first saw my blonde hair you'd already decided you wouldn't want me but as soon as I saw you in those white jeans I knew I wanted you".

I laughed quietly and kissed the underside of his jaw, "Noah" I whispered.

He watched me intently as I sighed, "I can't make sense of anything in my head and it's making me feel a little cra-"

"Stop Juliet. I'm not asking you to confess your undying love for me. I'm just trying to manoeuvre my way though describing how I feel" he chuckled,

"After all I'm a physics student, maths ranks higher than English".

I nodded and leant into his chest once again, "I don't need anything from you other than you" he whispered.

That's the hard part, I thought.

He noticed the hesitant expression on my face that I couldn't help but have. I didn't know if he really had me because that nagging voice never failed to remind me that not only was he blonde but I was inept when it came to relationships.

"What is it?" He asked sitting up and watching me. "Nothing" I stated quickly and shook my head.

He scoffed at me, "you still don't know do you?" He asked.

My eyes widened at just how accurate he was. I didn't know. I didn't know what I was doing. What I was going to do and had become too impulsive for my own good lately.

He started getting dressed and I could see how tense his back was. "Noah I don't mean it like that" as I reached out for him he flinched away.

"This blonde thing is ridiculous but because of it I'll never be good enough and you'll always doubt everything. Was this all a joke to you? Did it mean nothing?" he called at me angrily.

I shook my head quickly as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"I just can't win" he sighed as he began to walk out the room and he then muttered,

"All because I'm fucking blonde"

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