C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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"Are you blackmailing me?!" I shouted in anger, Noah held his hands up defensively as he quickly answered, "no, no! I'm just trying to get you to not avoid me".

"Noah I'm not avoiding you" I sigh, even though it was a complete lie I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Then why won't you go anywhere alone with me?" He asked.

"Because you seem to have ulterior motives" I replied with a skeptical look on my face.
Noah shook his head, "I don't. I just want to get to know you better and you've already rejected my first invitation so here I am asking with another".

"Most people take that as a deterrent" I answered sassily. "Miss Thomas, I'm as consistent as a rash", I laughed.

"Just give me one opportunity to get to know you and you to know me" he suggested as he stood still watching me.

I raised my eyebrow at Noah as I said, "isn't it weird if I agree and then you take Genji?" I inquired.

Noah laughed nervously, "I was going to take Genji either way because he's the only person I know that is excited about it and the first person I asked said no" he said looking at me with a smirk.

"So there's no blackmail?" I asked. Noah shook his head, "I just cruelly thought you might agree quicker to spending time with me" he answered honestly.

I felt a small smile forming on my face and I giggled quietly and said, "Noah you are a piece of work".

He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, "I'm a man who knows what he wants" he said confidently as I raised my eyebrow at him, "what I want being to go out and spend some unfiltered fun together", he put on a fake large smile.

His comment made both of us laugh together as I repeated, "unfiltered fun?". He nodded whilst lightly chuckling, "there's only so much you can do on a university campus" he replied.

"So sitting together at lunch or something is completely out of the question?" I asked. "Juliet, I think you are a smart, funny and amazing person that I would like to get to know. What's wrong with that?" He asked.

"Nothing I guess" I agreed skeptically, "what exactly would we be doing?" I asked. Noah smiled, "that has yet to be confirmed" he said scratching the back of his neck.

I shook my head and giggled at the boy next to me who had come to make plans with no plans at all!

"I guess hanging out with you wouldn't be the worst way of spending my time" I replied as Noah stood still to look at me.

He grinned wildly and exclaimed, "sounds like a date".

I shook my head, "I don't date blondes Noah" I said with clear irritation which earned a ponderous look off of his face.

"Fine then" he said raising his arms in defeat, "We'll call it a mutual get together"

"Is it really mutual?" I questioned trying to hold off the grin spawning on my face but failing terribly.

He smirked coyly as he answered, "it is as soon as you say yes".

I wanted to let out an exasperated sigh but looking at Noah's face caused a smile and slight blush to grow on my face which left me uttering three words,

"yes Noah James".

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