C H A P T E R T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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That's what he had planned. He'd planned to take us to the local observatory. We'd all had an amazing time.

Even though Noah hadn't been there the whole evening had seemed very 'Noah' like. Here I was reminiscing in the shower and hadn't even thanked him yet.

I know I didn't have to but I'd feel wrong if he'd planned it all and I didn't even tell him thanks.

When I got out the shower I quickly sent Noah a text: Stars? Pretty amazing choice, thank you Noah

We had got in quite late yesterday and I decided to not stay up longer or even potentially wake Noah up and decided to text him in the morning.

I got dressed and brushed my teeth so that I was ready for my lecture that was late this afternoon and came back to see a text from him: I'm glad you enjoyed it more than my last choice. I bet you were prettier than anything there

I blushed slightly and his comment and sent back a reply: cheesy?

He sent a reply much faster than last time: truthful.

I shook my head and couldn't wipe the grin off my face as I crossed the courtyard. I waved at a few faces that I was starting to recognise.

The professor was calling us all to take a seat as I walked in. The topic for today's lecture was medieval kingship and rights and its portrayal in objects and artefacts.

Medieval history had never been a pure favourite of mine but was necessary for my current essay and so here I sat.

"Kings demanded power. Kings aimed for power. Kings flaunted any power they could get. One form that allowed them to do so were objects in which they could embody the power they had and hyperbolise it with ostentatious decoration. Pictures, scriptures, buil-"

I was distracted from the professor by the sound of my phone buzzing. I looked down to see another text from Noah: was that too forward or are you just busy?

I smiled privately to myself as I text back: I have a feeling that whether it was or wasn't it still would not have made you hesitate from sending it and currently in a lecture with Mr Frink

Noah's reply came only minutes later: I would like to think I'm more entertaining than Mr Frink :) and very accurate inference Miss Thomas, would you ever want to go again?

The conversation was much more text for text now and soon I found myself almost completely withdrawn from the lecture.

J: I won't confirm nor deny your entertainment quality and indefinitely! It was so amazing!

N: that's good to hear, I'd like to see how much you love it for myself. It's okay Juliet I know you enjoy me entertaining you :))

J: yeah sure and even without you there it was a very 'noah' thing

N: Noah thing? Is that a good thing?

J: this one was :)

N: I'll never live down that circus idea

J: it was still an amazing night either way

N: that's is you trying to not hurt my feelings, I'm glad this one was a success

J: it was but I couldn't help but wonder why you couldn't come?

N: did Emilia say something?

J: not anything other than something came up, why? What happened? I asked and then there was silence.

A reply never came for the final hour of the lecture and I found myself drifting in and out of concentration during the lecture.

Soon enough the professor was thanking us for coming and I was collecting my stuff as I left the room.

I packed my books into my backpack and walked out into the late afternoon. My phone read 4:57 as I began to cross the courtyard.

"Juliet" a voice called as they stepped out from the shadowed corner of the building,

"Noah what are you doing lurking in the shadows?" I giggled.

"That was very ominous wasn't it" he said shaking his head and laughing, "I just stepped out of everyone's way as they left and ended up there".

I nodded, "so then how and why did you end up here?" I asked as he shoved his hands into his pockets and stepped beside me.

"Well the how was by walking and the why.. Well I don't know that yet" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Fair enough" I stated

Something was off with Noah, it was bothering me that something was bothering him. "Let's go and talk about whatever is bothering you" I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him away with intent,

"How did you know something was bothering me?" He asked,

"You're not.. I know...Just because" I said slightly flustered whilst I shook my head,

"Fair enough" he said deeply chuckling.

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