C H A P T E R F I F T Y - E I G H T

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* 4 months later *

"Juliet hurry up and get your arse out of bed! We have a lecture in 20 minutes!" Emilia called hammering on my door.

I had assured myself last night when I had stayed up late on the phone that this 9am lecture was not for me.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I walked over to let Emilia in who stormed in quickly.

"Juliet you literally have 10 minutes and you're walking out no matter what you look like" she stated huffing and sitting down at my desk.

I ran around my room throwing on any pair of jeans and a top as I scrubbed my teeth whilst doing so.

"Let's go!" Emilia called,

"Mim cmmning" I mumbled with the toothbrush still in my mouth. I quickly rinsed out my mouth and ran out the bathroom.

We ran over to the lecture hall and sat through an hour and a half of medieval belief on the importance of the role of the church in the state.

Emilia and I were more than happy that this lecture was over as Friday's were always a day that we banked on doing close to nothing; after this lecture we could do our planned nothing.

We walked out the large double doors as hands encased my waist and spun me into a chest as lips connected to mine.

"Hey baby" Noah whispered as he pulled away from me. I smiled widely as my hands slid around his neck and I pulled his lips onto mine once again.

We stood there completely engaged in each other's mouth movements until Emilia coughed beside us.

"Yeah yeah we know you love each other now let's go" she muttered as she pulled me from Noah's grasp and began walking.

Noah sent a pouting face my way as I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. "You're seeing her later Noah James. Right now we have a date with Netflix and nothing" Emilia called over her shoulder to him.

"I'll see you after your supervision!" I called to Noah who stood there with his signature smile and stance of his hands in his pockets.

Emilia continued to drag me all the way back to my room without stopping. Emilia was speed walking as fast as her 5'4 stature would carry but my 5'6 height allowed for me to not look like I was sprinting behind her.

Emilia let herself in and began setting up the movie as I jumped onto my bed and began to relax.

Emilia had an amazing taste when it came to movies, or maybe it was just in my opinion, but she put on 'White Chicks' and I couldn't have been happier.

The movie played out with Emilia and I laughing our head off so very often. "How are you and Kane?" I asked filling my face with salt and vinegar crisps - the best flavour without challenge.

"We're good. I met his sister last week and I dropped coffee all over her trainers and somehow she just laughed. I'm still unsure if I'd consider it a success" she said hanging her head.

I laughed as he asked, "how are you and Noah getting on considering you 'don't date blondes'" she said with a mocking tone,

"We're doing well all things considered and I guess he is just one blonde exception" I said with a small smile thinking about my blonde boyfriend.

He was my blonde exception. He had wormed his way out of the 'blonde oblivion' I had placed him in and rooted himself in my heart.

If someone had told me on the charity event evening that the blonde boy that I met would make me fall for his charm and blonde locks then I would have laughed in their face and told them to 'fuck off' but being without him was something I didn't want to imagine.

"I didn't realise that putting him off for so long was the wrong thing to do" I said twiddling my thumbs,

"You shouldn't deny something just because you think you know what's best. Sometimes you have to experience the pain, or the hurt, or the happiness and just run with it. Live the experiences and learn from them" Emilia explained, "'nothing can really be for definite".

I smiled and chuckled quietly. My thinking had not been a for definite and I was thankful for it, for Noah.

'I don't date blondes' had been a barrier for me and Noah had torn it down brick by brick and I was happy he had done it,

I was happy with him.

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