Chapter 7

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I woke up today and did my morning routine. I took a shower but forgot my DX uniform outside.

I didn't really care if Two-Bit saw me anymore he's like family now. I walked out in my bra and underwear as he saw me go to the dresser.

I turned around and he was smiling I just gave him an 'ugh' look and got changed. I put on black eyeliner and mascara and left my hair straight.

I was running late so I skipped breakfast and Two-Bit dropped me off at the DX before he went to school.

When I walked in Soda's eyes were red and puffy and he had bags under his eyes as if he was crying and hadn't slept.

I ran to him and gave him a hug. "Oh gosh Soda! What happened?" By then he was sobbing into my shoulder.

"It's the Socs. T-they got Ponyboy and they took him!" He managed to say through his loud sobs. This isn't the Sodapop I know, he's always smiling and happy.

"Shhh, don't worry. It's ok," I say mimicking Two Bits comforting tone, "We're going to find them and smash those Socs heads in, alright?"

He nodded and wiped his eyes. We separated from our hug and he grinned at me being the Soda he always is, drunk on life.

The day went by quickly and I had 2 hours before my night shift. Soda and I started walking and looking for Pony.

God, when I find those Socs I'm going to castrate one of them. You don't wanna know...

I got ahold of a Soc. I dragged him in an alleyway and pinned him against the wall. "Where's Ponyboy, the greaser you kidnapped?"

"I don't know..." he smirked.

Getting angry and thinking about my castrating thoughts from before, I grabbed ahold of his nuts and started to squeeze them. "Before I fucking burst your balls tell me where he is!!!"

He just groaned in pain while I squeezed harder. I didn't give a hang, I'm a bad girl. "Okay! Okay! He's at the abandoned apartment behind The Dingo!"

I let go of him and punched him square in the jaw making him pass out. "Little shit," I spat on him.

Soda was watching from the entrance of the alley he had a disgusted and scared look on his face. "What's up with you and hurting guys nuts?"

I just laughed and told him my castrating thoughts at the beginning. It's just funny to see people I hate in pain. Plus them Socs deserve it.

We headed straight into the apartment behind The Dingo where the Soc told us he would be. We heard banging from downstairs and we rushed towards the sound which lead to a door.

We bursted through it to find 4 socs beating down on little Ponyboy. I took the one beating down on him the hardest and kneed him in the face and knocked him out.

Soda was beating down on another guy who gave up. I kicked one in the nuts real hard and he doubled over in pain. Soda and I finished off the last guy with two punches to the face.

We turned to Pony who was all bloody and bruised. Sodapop picked him up and we dashed to the exit. Ponyboy was unconscious and dangling from Soda's arms.

We ran all the way back to their house but Darry wasn't home to fix him up. It was up to Dr. Greene. I had Soda grab me the first aid kit while I took off his clothes. He was black and blue.

The Socs sure got a pretty damn good beating on him. He had a deep cut from his wrist to the end of his forearm that needed immediate stitching.

I've done this many times and it's a good thing he was asleep for it. I poured the alcohol on his arm and started stitching him up.

There were 12 stitches in total and more than I have ever done in my life combined.

I moved on to washing his face and putting bandages around his forehead since it was cut too but not as deep. I wiped his face with a wet cloth washing away the blood.

He had a big black bruise on his left shin and I was pretty sure he broke something. I bandaged that up so it would be bearable until we got to the hospital.

Everything else was a bruise or a scratch but we still needed to get to the hospital for his leg.

Soda told me I was going to be late for work so he dropped me off in his truck and sped off to the hospital. When I got in I went upstairs to Dally's room to get changed.

He allowed me to and I did. I didn't mind changing in front of him because if I was late for work Buck would fire me. He just laid on his scrawny bed and smirked up at me.

I rolled my eyes and ran downstairs with Dallas following behind me. I got behind the bar counter before the crowd started piling in. "Dallas Winston," I said opening up a beer for the both of us.

"Elle Greene. What's up?" He said back taking a sip out of his beer.

"Well, I interrogated a Soc by squeezing his balls, beat up 4 socs with Soda, rescued Ponyboy from the kidnappers, and gave Pony 12 stitches on his arm. Now I'm here!" I chuckled tiredly.

"Damn, you squeezed his balls?" Dally asked squinting in disgust like how Soda did.

"Mhm!" I giggled childishly.

He was real flirty all night he even came behind the counter and put his arm around me sometimes. I would get out of it by bending over and grabbing drinks for people in the icebox.

When my shift was over Two-Bit wasn't here to pick me up so I walked home and Dally offered to come with me. We were walking and laughing partially drunk

It was almost midnight and the streets were illuminated with streetlights. The only thing protecting me from the October cold was my black leather jacket.

I noticed two headlights coming down the road towards us. I hoped for it to be Two Bit to save us from the cold. That mustang, that blue mustang.

Out came 5 Socs with switchblades. I had my switchblade in my jeans at the DX. I was scared, but I couldn't let them see it. They started circling us playing with their knives.

One said, "We want our revenge. You stole our hostage. Dumb greaser." They started closing in on us. I tried to make a run for it but one grabbed me by my wrists and another by my ankles.

I saw Dallas was pinned to the ground by two of 'em, getting cut up. The leader came up to me and covered a handkerchief on my nose and mouth. Then, the darkness swallowed me.

Timeless (An Outsiders Fanfiction)**UNDER MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now