Chapter 8

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I woke up feeling very groggy and achy. When I got up, I almost collapsed from my buckling knees.

My face was swollen and my body hurt like hell. I probably got beat up while I was unconscious. I was in a room with Dallas. There were no windows, just a door without a knob.

I walked towards Dallas who was laying across from me but I was soon jerked back due to a chain on my ankle. The loud thump awakened him and he jumped up.

Then I remembered everything that happened the night before. Dumb greaser. The Socs words echoed in my head as the whole thing came back to me.

I heard something click and the door opened. Dallas tried to walk up to the Soc but hadn't realized the chain on his ankle and toppled over like how I did.

My throat was so dry I couldn't even croak a word out, my faced just flushed in anger and Dallas's eyes went colder than they already were.

Without a word the Soc came and tried to attack me but I flew my free leg up kicking him in the you know where.

He doubled over in pain while Dallas doubled over in laughter. He crawled up to me only to be kicked in the face knocking the lights outta him.

Dallas laughed even more and was tearing up, clutching his stomach. I giggled at how funny he found that funny.

I dragged the Socs body closer to me and just as I suspected the keys to our ankle chain was in his pocket.

I unlocked myself and chucked the keys to Dallas. He unlocked his ankle and we started walking casually out the door.

When we got out we were in Soc territory. Deep in Soc territory.

-Soda's POV-

"Soda! Elle's missing!" Two-Bit yelled at me in Pony's room. We were in the hospital because Pony broke his leg.

"What do you mean she's missing?"

"I don't know, it's 3 in the morning and she hasn't come home! I went to Buck's and he said she left with Dally right after her shift! Soda, I'm scared!"

Two-Bit was really stressed out I can tell by his worried expression that he barely ever used. He's always hang loose just like me.

My brother looked up at me with fear in his eyes. "Socs..." Pony croaked at me.

I dashed out with Two-Bit following close behind yelling bye to Pony. We bumped into Darry and told him to watch Pony.

We hopped in the car and went into Soc territory. We got ahold of Bob, the guy that snatched Pony.

Two-Bit hopped out and dragged him to a brick wall gripping his collar. He lifted the damned Soc up 2 feet and banged him into the brick wall. "TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" He yelled.

I've never heard him yell this loud before and I've never heard him this angry before.

He just chuckled and spit in his face. Two-Bit raised a fist still keeping Bob pinned up in the air and slammed his fist down on his nose.

The Soc kept quiet taking each pounding Two-Bit gave him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two figures running and screaming for help crying. "Two-Bit!" I caught his attention and he stopped beating the unconscious Soc.

Elle and Dallas were all beat up and running towards us with a whole bunch of Socs chasing them. We jumped in the car and started dashing for them.

I slammed on the brakes and they hopped in. Beat, sweaty, and out of breath. Thank God she's okay, what would I do without her.

-Dallas's POV-

I felt terrible for everything. I got her boozed up and into a fight. I could've protected her and fought the Socs off.

She wouldn't have gotten all those cuts and bruises if it weren't for me. I just have to fuck up everything.

Once she caught her breath she told the whole story. I squinted hearing it knowing I could've stopped it all.

I mean, I really like Elle but now knowing how much I want to protect her I don't want to break her heart.

I know I'll lose the bet. I can't date Elle, especially when I look at her like my kid sister.

After we got to the hospital I hopped out of Soda's truck and Elle followed me out. When she got out I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Elle, if I hadn't got you boozed up we coulda beaten them Socs and I could've protected you and I'm just so sorry..." My voice was muffled into her hair and shoulder.

I didn't cry but I was real close to it. I have a real big soft spot for her. Once I heard her cry I was so afraid I would too.

"It's okay Dallas it was my fault, too. I know you tried to protect me and I thank you for that. Maybe big ol' Dallas would be my guardian angel... Though your far from being an angel." She chuckled through her tears at the last part and I chuckled through my frown.

I tried so hard but a tear did slip from my eye. She pulled away from our long hug and wiped the tear off with her thumb.

I just noticed how short she was compared to me. I promise to myself I won't let anybody touch my kid sister and if they did I'd damn them to hell because I don't want to see her get hurt anymore.

I didn't know there was a different type of love until now. Because I love Elle Greene, my new kid sister.

Elle asked me one more question before we caught up to Soda and Two Bit who were in the waiting room of the hospital.

"Dallas, can I be like your kid sister and you'd be like my big brother?" Her eyes filled with wonder and hope. Ones that you would see in a little kid.

"I was thinking the same thing, doll." I kissed her forehead and wiped away her tears.

-Elle's POV-

My chest hurt because my heart was overfilled with the love Dallas gave to me. It's not the love you would find in a couple but a love that you find in a family. That is a really rare love that is hard to find and I treasure the love he gave to me.

We walked into the waiting room I was still crying out of my one eye that wasn't swollen shut.

The lady at the desk told us Pony's room number and we headed in seeing Two Bit, Sodapop, Pony, and Darry together goofing off.

Wow, Darrel Curtis goofing off? Rare things are just happening a lot today, aren't they? Dallas shedding a tear? Darry laughing? What's next, Two Bit sober? No, that'll be a miracle.

My eyelids were starting to become really heavy and this couch was so comfortable. I laid my head on Dallas's lap while he traced circles in my back.

Our relationship is special and I never want it to change. I slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile.

-Soda's POV-

I was getting real upset that she was getting close to Dallas. He doesn't deserve her!

He just wants to get in her pants! Then he'll break her heart when she finds out he used her!

I need to protect Elle from Dallas. I don't know what's gotten into me. I've been feeling jealous and angry lately.

I just need to relax, everything's been hectic and it's getting to me an awful lot.

I looked over at Elle and she was passed out on Dallas's lap. He was playing with her hair and drawing his finger around her back. That should be me! She even fell asleep smiling!

Dallas saw me staring and he quickly said to me, "Soda! No, no it's not like that! I love her but only as a kid sister, ya dig? I hate to admit it but I have a huge soft spot for her. She's just...different and I'd hate to hurt her like I do with other girls."

I wanted to believe him but I knew it was just his plan to win her over for the contest. But Dal better watch, because I have my own games to play, too.

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