Breathless: Chapter 4

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I woke up early to get some burgers from Dairy Queen for all of us to eat for breakfast. I stacked them on the table and left a note that said, 'Eat me! Do not disturb Elle!'

I took a hamburger to the washroom where I started to get ready for my date with Dallas. I wasn't dressing up fancily but I didn't want to look like trash. I put on a nice pair of jeans and a flowing tank top. After, I waved my hair and pit on a little bit of makeup.

I was happy that Dallas was going through with becoming a committed person for me. It was a nice gesture for him to set this up for just the two of us. It proves how much he truly cares about me.

I finished up my hamburger while coming outside to meet Dallas, Austin, and Two Bit. When I got to the kitchen, the burgers were eaten and the wrappers were already thrown away.

I checked the living room and nobody was there either. All of a sudden, a pair of hands appeared on the back of my shoulders and I was startled by a loud 'Boo!'

I whipped around to see the three boys laughing and clutching their stomachs. I shook my head and smacked Two Bit and Dallas upside the back of their heads before scuffing up Austin's hair.

"Well, I'm taking Austin out." Two Bit said, heading toward the door with Austin.

"Hey! Be careful!" I called out protectively.

"Yes, mother..." the two goofs replied mockingly in sync as they exited the house. When I tuned around Dallas was slipping on his shoes. I guess we were going out now.

Following his lead, I put on my black converse. Without speaking, he smiled and took my hand before leading me outside. We walked in a peaceful silence and I thought we were going to the Dingo; however, we ended up at the park.

I climbed carefully atop the yellow monkey bars and took a deep breath. The sun was reaching its highest peak, it was a cloudless day, and the bunches of birds flew together never leaving someone behind.

"What are you looking at?" Dallas questioned obviously confused.

"I am certain that you've never sat down and took a look around you. You've never thought about how deep life was. You've never stopped to embrace the view." I started, truly meaning every word I've said.

"Come sit," I continued, "I want to show you something. Look at the grass. How each and every green blade swishes along with the wind and the sun reflecting of the morning dew. Look at the trees and how the leaves all sway in one motion and change quickly to the next. Look at the sky and how the colours swirl together like the waves of a deep ocean. Look at the birds that fly alongside each other as a family. Look at how high the sun is, how it's so far in the distance yet we can still feel the heat radiating on our skin."

As I set the scene, Dallas looked around for the first time in his life and took in all of his surroundings. His face was astonished by the beauty of the world. "What are you doing to me, Elle?" He asked and looked at me. "You're turning me soft." He smiled.

By the time we got to the Dingo, it was about noon. We took our seat at a table for six. I probably had the most confused look on my face when Johnny, Aj, Darry, and Skye sat with us at the table. He invited two other couples? Even worse, he invited our exes?

The boys sat on one side and the girls sat on the other, facing our dates. Wow, I was on a triple date. I kindly greeted Skye and did my secret handshake with Aj. I waved to Darry and gave an acknowledging nod to Johnny. Oh boy, this was going to be a long lunch.

We ordered our food and started talking. Not as a group but just talking to our dates. Dallas kept looking over at Aj but I couldn't get upset because my vision would occasionally flicker over to Johnny. It was really awkward to have them here.

Once the food arrived we had a group conversation. The boys were telling a story about how they were younger. I stayed quiet, though. I was disappointed that we didn't have that privacy aspect on our date.

After lunch we all walked back to the Curtis house. Dallas carried me on his shoulders, it sort of made up for his failed cute boyfriend attempt with the triple date. When we got to our destination, Ponyboy was alone just watching T.V. Two Bit and Austin came in right after us.

I sat next to him on the couch and he put a friendly arm around me. I told him about how I showed Dallas how him and I look at the view outside. He was amazed that I could actually get Dallas to focus on one thing.

He started telling me about how Darry's been ignoring him and how he doesn't care for him. "He's always too busy with Skye. He's distracted when she's not even around." He explained. "Watch this."

He began repetitively calling Darry's name but he didn't respond. He continued this until everyone noticed and stopped talking, except for Darry. Pony finally gave up and was starting to crumble. "See what I mean?" He said before walking out aggressively.

"Good one, Darry," Two Bit walked up to the big bear, turned him around, and got right up in his face. "Ponyboy don't think you care about him and that scene you pulled back there probably made him sure of it. You're always nagging him about using his head more but really you're the one who needs to get back into your right mind."

Two Bit stormed outside to look for Ponyboy and I quickly followed him. We ended up finding him at the lot crying. I sat beside him and embraced him. "C'mon Pony, don't cry."

"I ain't crying," Ponyboy quickly wiped the tears off his face, "I'm just upset. Ever since Sodapop left I ain't got no one to talk to anymore. I just feel so alone and I can't handle it anymore. No one pays attention to me, even Darry stopped worrying 'bout me. It's like he forgot about me or somethin'."

I didn't know what to say. For the first time I didn't know how to solve this problem. All I could do was sit there and make Ponyboy feel loved.

After a while, he stood up and wrapped me into a tight hug before mumbling into my ear, "Thank you." Those two simple words held so much gratefulness. I was glad he knew that he could always turn to me if he was in trouble.

As we started walking back, I created a plan to help Ponyboy. I was going to get Skye to tell Darry about the problem. She's probably the only person he would listen to.

Also, I had a little scheme to get two people of the gang to become unexpected friends. They both were very different and weren't quite fond of each other but they both had something in common. They both were close to Sodapop.


Spoiler: Austin gives advice to Dallas

Update: Saturday

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