Breathless: Chapter 6

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-Elle's POV-

"Dallas? Where are we going?" I asked frustrated. We were riding in his car and he had blindfolded me. I don't understand why he had to do that.

"Just hold on!" He chuckled. "We're almost there."

"We better be," I mumbled. He interrupted my very relaxing day slouched on the couch sipping on a Pepsi. Until Dallas bursted in and commanded me to, "Get off that tiny butt of yours and get up!" I knew my butt was small but he didn't have to mock it.

He finally put the rusty car in park and I heard him open his car door and slam it. He instructed me strictly to not even touch the blindfold so I couldn't peek to see where he had gone.

My car door opened suddenly and Dallas took the blindfold off my eyes. I hoped it hadn't smudged my makeup. When I stepped out of the car I was underwhelmed, "You did all this to take me to Bucks?"

He shrugged and escorted me inside. The music was on full blast and the place reeked heavily of alcohol. I was used to it, though, considering I worked here three days a week.

We simply hung around the bar and drank. I wis still confused as to what Dallas was trying to do. We had gotten rip-roarin' drunk as Two Bit used to say.

A slutty girl that was wearing too much eye makeup and her friend that was clad in leather approached Dallas and started flirting with him. I was tired and didn't bother to get up and stop them. I looked away and winced.

"Wanna head upstairs?" One said lustfully in an annoying nasally voice.

"Um, I'll pass," Dallas started pushing them both away, "You broads can't touch my wonderful girlfriend over here." He smiled and we walked away.

He had shooed off two sexy, slutty women for me. While he was drunk. Then I finally understood what he was trying to prove. I hugged him tightly with my eyes shut. "Thank you," I said in his ear smiling.

"I love you and I wanted to show you that I can change for you," he replied. Dallas pulled away to face me, "Do you trust me?"

"I always have and I always will." Then he leaned in and I returned by pressing my lips to his. We stood in the middle of the dance floor with my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist.

I rested my head against his shoulder and he rested his chin on my head. His hands slowly moved down to my hips and he grabbed my ass. Does he have to be such a guy? "I thought I had a tiny ass?" I asked.

"Tiny ass is better than no ass and I'm not complainin'!" He retorted smiling. I shook my head and returned to the relaxing position. Golly, I thought to myself, I love him.


I was sitting with Dallas in the kitchen of the Curtis house just talking about random things. Darry came in and asked if I could quickly cook up a cake and I agreed.

I started mixing the batter and Dallas started making the icing. After I poured the batter into a pan and stuck it in the oven I turned to look over at Dallas. He pointed his finger and smudged chocolate icing all over my nose!

In return, I turned around and stuck my hand in the flour briefly. When I faced him again I pretended to sneeze and flicked the excess flour onto Dally's face. I laughed so much my stomach hurt.

We cleaned up and waited until the cake was ready. When it was, we iced it and served it hot. Everyone sat at the table waiting for a freshly cooked piece of chocolate cake.

I cut slices and handed them out on plates for everyone. Extra big ones for Steve and Two Bit. I even got a beer for Two but when I gave it to him he shook his head in refusal and walked out without a single word. I looked at Dallas and he shrugged. Was it something I said?

I followed him out right away. I saw him turning the corner probably heading over to the park. I ran over and caught up to him, "Hey, what's the matter?"

He only shrugged and kept walking on. Why was he so angry at me? I didn't understand. "Two Bit! I'm talking to you!" I stopped walking frustrated.

"Well I'm not," he turned around to face me.

"I wanna talk to you," I said in a pleading voice like how Austin would beg for ice cream.

"Well I don't," he whipped back around with his back to me. He slightly turned his head, "Why don't you go and talk to your lover boy since you're with him day an' night." Then he continued walking leaving me stuck dumb.

He was upset because I'm with Dallas? I spent time with Two Bit, I lived with him for Pete's sake. He was upset because I'm finally happy with Dallas? I couldn't believe he could be that selfish.

Maybe if he didn't want to see me hangin' around with Dallas anymore he should move out of our house. Maybe that would cool him off.

I headed back to the Curtis house all fired up and smoking a weed. It relaxed me plenty. I was feeling dizzy, though, and a little lightheaded, too. When I arrived, I lied on the couch and passed out. I was sweating something fierce.



belated doe... Sorry baud

Spoiler: Austin gives advice again

Update: Friday


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