Chapter 5

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I woke up on the couch. Johnny laid squished between me and the couch. I was on the edge. I was guessing Dallas went home-wherever that was-and Soda went to his bed.

Two-Bit and Steve were sitting on the floor watching Mickey Mouse and eating chocolate cake and beer.

I got up and stretched out. Soon after Johnny sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry, Johnny. Did I wake you up?"

He shook his head and gave me a small grin. "You guys sure did look comfortable!" Two-Bit laughed, referring to Johnny and I.

I laughed along while Johnny blushed. I thought it was cute that he was embarrassed.

Steve whined and complained that there was no breakfast and that Darry had already gone to work, obviously implying for me to cook. So I did since everyone was busy with work and school and I didn't have anything better to do.

I cooked chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and some more chocolate cake. Right as I finished, Soda and Pony woke up and ate with us.

Everything was gone except one last pancake. Steve and Soda were arm wrestling for it. Johnny had a brilliant idea.

When they were busy arm wrestling he ate the last pancake! The looks on their faces were priceless. They didn't see Johnny eat it!

After cleaning up the dishes, Soda and Steve went to work and Pony and Two went to school, leaving Johnny and I home together.

I was actually planning on finding a job today and Johnny agreed to come with me. I wanted to look presentable so I picked out my Elvis t-shirt along with my high-waisted acid wash jeans.

I changed into my pants first like how I always do and then took off my shirt leaving me in my bra. Then, Johnny came through the door. I panicked and covered myself while yelling, "WHY DOES EVERYONE DO THIS!!!"

He kind of just stood there looking from the ground to me the whole time he stuttered, "O-oh my. S-sorry uh I-I'm s-sorry." He then walked out.

After I changed I curled my hair and put on black eyeliner and mascara but not a lot. I got my black converse and black leather jacket. I looked pretty presentable.

While we were walking over to Buck's I wanted to break the silence and know more about Johnny. "Johnny? Can you tell me about yourself?"

He gulped before answering, "Well to be honest, things are rough all over, Elle. At home, my parents are a-alcoholics and t-they b-beat me a lot. I usually sleep at the lot when they're fighting or when they hit me. Them Socs really banged me up not too long ago, too. I'm not a fan of the Greaser vs. Soc thing. I don't like fighting. Sometimes, I feel w-worthless and I think about killing myself a lot. I wanna be like Dally. Dallas is tough. Like you, you remind me of Dal."

I knew he was hurt after telling me everything. "Oh Johnny, I'm sorry I didn't know anything. Don't kill yourself, man. You got the gang and you got me."

I pulled him into a hug and without hesitation he hugged back. We got to Buck's in no time. Johnny said they needed a bartender. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

Out came a guy who I'm guessing was Buck Merrill. "Hi I'm Elle, I heard you're looking for a new bartender?"

"Yeah. I'm Buck, nice to meet you. You start tonight at 8 and here's your uniform." He smiled.

"Thanks, see ya tonight," I waved and he waved back and shut the door. I turned to Johnny and said, "Well that was easy!"

We laughed and started walking to the DX where Soda and Steve worked. It was peacefully silent but Johnny broke it. "Elle? You're real pretty. Not like any of the slutty greasy girls here."

"Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself Mr. Cade!"

He blushed and we continued to walk. When we arrived we saw Steve under a car and Soda at the cash register. "Soda get over here I need help!"

"Can't Steve! I need to be at the register!"

I offered to cover for him while he helped Steve. I actually really liked working here, it was fun.

Soda told me that they needed a cashier from opening to 6 pm from Monday-Friday.

I took the job so I had something to do during the day and plus I have Soda and Steve to hang out with.

Soda got me a long sleeve DX shirt that was a navy blue. It looked nice on me.

After my shift, I changed in the back to my bartender uniform which was a black knee high dress with a sweetheart neckline and an apron. At least this time no one walked in on me.

When I walked out Steve was whistling and hooting and Sodapop's and Johnny's jaws dropped to the ground. They were staring at me wide eyed.

I simply thanked them nonchalantly and they offered to come to work with me. Since it was a party I didn't think it would be a problem.

We got there 15 minutes early so we just hung around the bar. A couple minutes later Dallas came down. "What are you doing here?" We asked at the same time.

"Um, I live upstairs," he shrugged.

"Well I work here now."

"Kay can I get a beer?"

"Sure that's 2 bucks." I said as I popped open the bottle. He grabbed his drink and left without paying. Johnny paid for him which was real sweet.

The party started and I served some drinks and hung out with the guys pretty much. We bumped into Two-Bit halfway through my shift.

Working here wasn't that bad. I liked it here. The music and the people weren't half bad. It was a greaser hangout so them Socs wouldn't be here, which was good.

After my shift was over, Two-Bit and I said our byes and headed home. It would be my first night sleeping over at Two-Bit's house. When we arrived I met Two's mom. She was real kind and accepting.

She had no problem with me staying with them which was nice. I told her that I work two jobs now so that I could pay rent and that I could cook and clean. I think I made a good impression.

I washed my face and got changed without any disturbances, if you know what I mean.

Two-Bit said I could either sleep with him or on the couch which wasn't that comfy. I asked if he didn't mind me sleeping with him but of course he didn't.

Don't get this the wrong way I love Two-Bit and all but I really just love him in a brotherly way. He took me in and everything and I really appreciate that.

We hopped into bed and stayed awake for a while talking about random stuff. "You know their having a contest?" He brought up.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Soda, Johnny, and Dally are having a contest on who could get you to be their girl."

"Oh." I responded nonchalantly. We continued talking but I wasn't really paying attention. I was only thinking about the little contest about me. I soon got tired and told Two-Bit goodnight.

The gang was in front of me laughing and pointing. I walked towards them only to be stopped by a glass wall. I looked around and saw I was surrounded by Socs. I looked down at myself and I was wearing madras.

I was then hit across the face and was getting beat up by seven familiar faces. It was the gang, they were beating me up.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I woke up Two-Bit by accident. I just told him that I had a bad dream. "Two-Bit? Can you hug me?"

Without asking why, he nodded and I scooted closer to him as he scooped me up with one arm keeping me safe and secure. "Promise you guys won't leave me?

"We will never in a million years leave you, Elle."

Timeless (An Outsiders Fanfiction)**UNDER MAJOR EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now