Chapter 1: Serene

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)  the damn typo too

Third Person POV

"You say you want to be independent yet you are deciding to drop out of university." Jimin says, sitting on the couch of Taehyung's little apartment while Taehyung was laying on the floor, legs on the couch and casually touching Jimin, blue hair contrasting the light coloured rug, hands resting on his stomach.

"What does being independent have to do with dropping out of university?" Taehyung asks and Jimin scoffs.

"You idiot, if you won't have a degree, how can you have a proper job and then---being 'independent' will go to waste---".

"I do have a job. The pay is nice." Taehyung cuts Jimin, who hits Taehyung's leg lightly.

"Working in a club as a bartender is not a 'job' Kim Taehyung. I have seen so many times the way people look at you with such---such lust in their eyes when you give them their drinks and it just---I can't even do anything about it." Jimin sighs.

"That club is filled with people who are---not nice Tae and I want you to be safe." Jimin says and Taehyung stares at him with a funny expression.

"You know that I can take care of myself. I've been doing it ever since I got the job there. Besides, the owner is really sweet so---It's all good." Taehyung says and continues rocking his feet slightly which Jimin grabs to make him stop.

"Breaking an expensive wine bottle on someone's head is not saving yourself Tae." Taehyung laughs when Jimin says this.

"Damn. I felt so powerful at that moment." And Jimin rolls his eyes.

"My offer still stays you know. Let me or Yoongi find you a better job and you can also continue studying." Jimin has always offered this but Taehyung has always refused.

"Your boyfriend has a really dark soul. That dude never smiles. I don't know how you keep up with him. Even when he visits Serene, he always looks like he's having constipation problem." Taehyung chuckles as Jimin hits him again. He is used to having Taehyung talk like this about Yoongi. 

"His smile is beautiful for your kind information." Jimin says and Taehyung makes gagging noise.

"But you look all smiley when you visit with him to Serene. I really wish to be appointed to the v.i.p section you know. I wonder what goes on over there. You guys literally just disappeared over there." Taehyung says and Jimin tenses.

"It's the business area Tae. Yoongi likes me accompanying him. And once again, I'd like you to consider my offer and stop messing around with al---people in Serene." Jimin says.

"I don't mess with them. I just do my job and they can't let me do that and it pisses me off and I get---a little angry." Taehyung shrugs and Jimin knows their is no way Taehyung would listen to him.

"I'll be fine." Taehyung answers.

"And you're not dropping out of university. You're an art student and art students---".

"Don't get a job which pays good that's why I have to have the degree and think about my future and blah blah." Taehyung mocks and Jimin pinches him, causing the blue haired boy to yelp.

"It's literally impossible to make up your mind." Jimin sighs.

"You're right and you're dropping me to Serene. It's almost 9. I have to get ready." Taehyung says and gets up. His shift is at night. From 9 till 2 which makes him wonder why the hell it's always packed at night and then wants to smack himself because the club life is always about night.

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