Chapter 18: Conduct

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung wouldn't say he was always deprived of warmth and love all his life. No, he wasn't. His parents loves him---his two best friends love him and he has never cried just because he's alone and pathetic and no one loves him. They all have made him feel worthy and loved.

But there's something so so endearing about the warmth Jeongguk's arms provide him---it simply makes him melt into his arms. This warmth makes him forget the rest of the world and remember only one name---Jeongguk.

Taehyung was never a fan of cheesy romance---these over lines spoken by one lover to another would really make him cringe. He'd never really believe that love can go all the way till end. He'd always think that people later fall out of love and leave and then all the sacrifices and the intimate moments would all go to waste. Only hurt and regret remains.

Then he'd think---maybe this doesn't always happen. Look at his parents---still in love as if teenagers. He has seen Jimin and Yoongi---three years he's been here and thier love makes Taehyung believe that love really can go all the way till end.

And there's Jeongguk now---who has make him feel like he can be loved---all the way till the end---by only one person that cares for him. The person who'll love him for who he is and Taehyung thinks---or maybe---he knows, that person is the one who's holding him. Jeon Jeongguk.

Taehyung keeps his eyes shut, head resting on Jeongguk's shoulder and arms around his neck and just like he said---he forgets the rest of the world. It's only Jeongguk and his embrace that matters right now and he wants to stay here forever.

Jeongguk's lips touch Taehyung's side of head---over his silky hair and he lets them linger their. Taehyung's scent is so strong right now that it makes him weak and he's not scared of that.

It's a chilly night---there's a slight breeze that usually makes Taehyung shudder but it doesn't now---how can it? He's in his lover's warmth and there is no cold that can touch him---no one can hurt him because he knows Jeongguk will always be his shield.

"Will you go home with me?" Jeongguk whispers and Taehyung slowly nods. These words are so heavy---they have a deepest meaning but both of them chose to go with the simplest one---for now.

Taehyung breaks the hug but keeps his hands on Jeongguk's shoulder and Jeongguk keeps his on Taehyung's waist and they just look into eachother's eyes---there's a conversation only their eyes know and understand and Taehyung thinks how easily he's under Jeongguk's spell.

Taehyung doesn't care that he's supposed to be mad at Jeongguk right now. He doesn't care that there is so much left to be talked between them---he just knows that he wants to be with Jeongguk right now---and he's happy with forever too of course.

"You'll get cold." Jeongguk says when he notices Taehyung's not wearing jacket.

"We both know I didn't catch cold so don't worry." Taehyung says and Jeongguk sees that he's smiling.

"Still---take this." Jeongguk takes off his jacket as Taehyung remove his arms around his shoulder. Something about Jeongguk giving him his jacket makes his stomach flip in a good way. It feels---intimate.

Taehyung drowns himself in Jeongguk's jacket and a calming scent---Jeongguk's scent calms him more.

And Jeongguk admits wholeheartedly that his clothes look so good Taehyung.

Jeongguk opens the passenger door for Taehyung again and Taehyung knows he'll never not be flustered by this. Their car ride is filled with a comfortable silence. Taehyung keeps his eyes on the passing cars outside.

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