Chapter 2: Snow

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung slept quite peacefully after Jimin left. He had to do the effort to lock the door though. Yet before sleeping, he couldn't help but wonder, all the times that he was hit on. Not by men but girls and women too.

They would always be hovering over him, as if wanting to devour and Taehyung always hated when someone would try to overpower him or to force him to go their way. He even hated it when his parents would do it and the rest of the world wasn't an exception.

I think I should dye my hair to natural. He'd always think that. He thought maybe it's his sharp sea green, blue hair that attracts the others but that always sounds absurd. People were supposed to stay away not get closer.

And Taehyung would never want anything like what happened today---ever happen again. He has always rejected the offers made by others. Verbally or by breaking bottle on their head but he did. He never had to punch anyone or get beaten in return. He hated how weak he felt at the moment.

He wanted to be strong---to always stay strong. He was thankful that Hoseok and Jimin were there even if Jimin was absolutely mad at him but he won't quit the job. He doesn't want to just because some asshole of people think they are over him and can make him do anything. Not at all. And he'll handle Jimin.

He remembers everyone, how people were looking at him yet none came to help. None dared to help. Was it that difficult to just hold a man back to not hurt anyone but who knows, maybe it was. And Taehyung never trusted anyone except his friends. Which included Jimin and his university friend Hanbin. He trusts Yoongi as well and no matter how grumpy he is, Taehyung knows Yoongi cares for him. He doesn't know why but he trusts Hoseok alot too. Even when they only meet for a moments.

He loves his parents as well. They live in his home town Daegu and Taehyung loves Seoul. They wanted him to stay there but Taehyung wanted to live on his own.

And love, Taehyung never fell in love. He never encountered it. He has always seen lust in others eyes but never love. No eyes have ever held that pure emotion for him and Taehyung thinks it might not even exist but whenever he sees Jimin and Yoongi---no matter how much he teases them for being cheesy---all the previous thoughts vanish immediately. Taehyung is a witness of their true love. It's beautiful.

He just hopes to find it too. If that's possible.

He wakes up at almost 1. His back hurts but it's bearable. Not much though. He makes effort to take a shower and clean up. He makes his way out of the room only to find the groceries on the kitchen shelf and a note too.

We're not done talking yet. And Taehyung smiles at that. Jimin always does that. He always takes care of him and Taehyung can't argue here. He makes himself breakfast slash lunch and eats it like an animal because he was starving.

Taehyung doesn't want to talk about what happened back at Serene. He knows Jimin will try his best to change his mind and they would end even fighting because it has happened before but the next day, everything would be fine. He wants to keep his problems to himself and not include his friends in it.

Whenever Jimin is telling him to work somewhere else because Serene is not safe for him or that he doesn't want his taebear to get in trouble because of bad people---Taehyung always feels like Jimin is pitying him, which is not true and he knows it but it just feels like that. Taehyung hates being pitied. Another one of the things he hates.

He loves it that Jimin cares for him, they are best friends but Taehyung just has this feeling that Jimin is---is just hiding something---something that he should know. Maybe it's not true or maybe it is. He's always been curious even of little things yet he doesn't know where to start in this case.

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