Chapter 17: Abrupt

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung calls his mother the moment he gets home from the coffee shop. He takes a deep breath, trying his best to not cry because he just felt like crying right now but he doesn't want to worry his mother.

"Taebear. How are you sweetie?" Jia's warm and sweet voice greets him and he swallows the lump in his throat.

"Hi mom." Taehyung utters, failing miserably to not let his voice quiver.

"Sweetie, are you crying?" Jia panics and Taehyung knew she'll find out.

"No, no of course not. I'm just having a sore throat." Taehyung utters as he coughs, a pathetic excuse.

"Tae---I-I know you're crying. And I think---I think I know---why." Jia's voice quivers.

"Did---did Jimin told you?" Jia asks, she's about to cry too.

"Yeah---he did." Taehyung bites his lips to stop a whimper when he hears Jia's sob.

"Tae baby---I'm so sorry. You had a right to know but I'd didn't want to lose you." Jia says and Taehyung wonders why is everyone keeping him in dark just so they won't lose him?

Is everyone really scared to lose me?

"Why is everyone been lying to me just to not lose me?" Taehyung chuckles shortly.

"I won't say that I wanted to tell you because---because I didn't and I'm sorry for that but trust me---I can't lose you baby. I may not have given birth to you but you're my son and I love you so much taebear." Jia says and Taehyung cries---he cries.

"Why can't---why can't anyone understand that I'm not going anywhere. Why would I ever leave?" Taehyung says through his tears.


"I knew that before Jimin told me." Taehyung says, wiping his tears.


"I heard you and dad talking a few days before I came to Seoul. You were saying that aunt Jihyu said that I've proved myself I'm adopted by deciding to leave you both and settle in Seoul." Taehyung says and Jia was still shocked.

"Tae---you knew all this time? Is that why you---you don't talk to us alot?" Jia asks and Taehyung feels guilty.

"No, of course not mom. You know I'm not that type of person to call someone each and every day." Taehyung says and Jia chuckles softly.

"You know how Jihyu can be. She never thinks when she speaks. I tried to keep her away from you all these years yet she---always manages to be the cause." Jia sighs.

"Tae baby, I just want you to know that me and your dad love you so much okay. You've been with us since you were mere months old and we've loved to you ever since---unconditionally and we'll always love you. You're our son and nothing can change that. I just---I'm really sorry if I have hurt you---".

"You haven't hurt me mom. I love you both unconditionally too. You are my parents and I'm so grateful of both of you for loving me when my real parents couldn't. They left me and I hate them but I can never hate you both. You're my family and I can do anything for you and dad."

"Oh Tae---". They both are crying again. They don't need to be related or connected by blood. Sometimes the blood betrays. Taehyung is so thankful of his parents that he can't even describe. What he has with his parents is example that sometimes only a good heart can change lives just like they changed Taehyung's.

"I have my exams after a few days. I'll be done with my university and I'll have a few days free---so I was thinking to visit home. It'll be summer too so--".

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