Chapter 4: Texture

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

After taking shower and tucked under his fluffy blankets, setting the alarm for university---Taehyung was sure he won't be able to sleep if Jeongguk would be on his mind and even if he did, he might dream about him.

Snap out of it Taehyung, what has gotten into you?

He's just a guy who offered you a ride home---that's all.

Everything else---was okay but the way Jeongguk looked at him when he was about to leave was something Taehyung is sure will be etched in his memory. He's stared into eyes of many---always finding lust in them and nothing else. He stared back in Jeongguk's eyes as well and he did found lust---it was obvious but something else too, something close to the look he sees in Jimin's, in Hanbin's eyes for him---the look that assures him he's not alone.

Or maybe Taehyung's just imagining stuff.

Stop thinking about him. Taehyung decides to do this and closes his eyes and the sleep invades him immediately.


"Binnie please, I told you I was not feeling well. I'm so sorry and I've been really busy---".

"Save it, I don't wanna hear your excuses."

"Binnie---". Taehyung whines, holding onto Hanbin's arm who's walking towards their class and Taehyung's been trying to get him to talk but Hanbin isn't talking to him.

"How can I make it up to you? Tell me Binnie---I'll do anything, just please don't ignore me like that." Taehyung pouts and Hanbin turns around to glare at him and then starts walking again.

"Come on Hanbin, don't do this. I said I'm sorry." Taehyung lets go of his arm and stands in the hallway. Hanbin keeps walking but stops once he realises Taehyung isn't walking with him.

"We're gonna be late. Move your lazy ass." Hanbin says and shakes his head.

"No, not until you talk to me properly." Taehyung says and Hanbin raises his eyebrow at him.

"You were fine without talking to me the whole week so I don't think it'll be a bother to if I won't talk to you now." Hanbin says and Taehyung narrows his eyes at him.

"I hate you." Taehyung utters.

"I never said I love you either." Hanbin shrugs.

"Binnie~~". Taehyung walks towards Hanbin, stomping his feet and pouting. He opens his arms and circles them around Hanbin's neck, hugging him tightly.

"Tae, we're in the middle of the hallway." Hanbin whispers but Taehyung doesn't budge.

"I won't let go until you talk to me." Taehyung says and Hanbin sighs, he can't just say no.

"Fine, let's skip." Hanbin says and Taehyung breaks into laughter.

"You just needed an excuse to not attend the class." Taehyung says and Hanbin just shrugs.

"Let's just go." Hanbin takes Taehyung's hand as they walk outside the university and towards his car.

Once in the coffee shop, Taehyung apologises again and tells him that he was on his way to meet him the other day but got a call from the club so had to go back. He apologises for not telling him.

He lied, he knows but he can't just tell Hanbin that he saw someone being brutally eaten by a horrible looking person and that be saw a wolf who didn't hurt him even a little bit.

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