Chapter 28: True

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung was looking at the two mates who were now kissing ever so softly. Taehyung could practically feel the overwhelming love and affection those two have for eachother. It was never gone. Jihoon and Minho stayed like that in eachother's arms. They didn't left but everyone else did---letting the two lovers get completely familiar to the heartwarming feeling again.

Taehyung didn't know why he was feeling like that---it was the feeling that he has once felt before too---when he realised he really loves Jeongguk---the night they both cried along with the memories. This feeling was much more intense though---he was witnessing the purity of love that was away for four years.

For sure Taehyung has witnessed love before---seen it in Jimin's eyes for Yoongi---seen it in his parents eyes for eachother and has felt it even with a little of Jeongguk's touch---yet there's something in the love he's seeing right now---makes him feel that the longing of wanting to be together after years makes love stronger than ever.

But Taehyung doesn't want to be away from Jeongguk. He won't be able to handle it if Jeongguk would be away from him. He knows Jeongguk would never leave him---he believes his love and even the thought of it makes Taehyung want to scream.

He can't see it anymore---not because he hates it but because it just raised a felling Taehyung hates---of fear. It confuses Taehyung because he has no idea why he's scared. Not much---but even a little wave of fear while watching something so ravishing makes want to really scream.

Jeongguk notices Taehyung's stress, lifts up his head to see Taehyung properly who wasn't looking at the lovebirds now---but at the ground.

"You okay baby?" Jeongguk whispers but Taehyung doesn't react. He stays still---Jeongguk nudges him with a slight touch of nose to his neck but Taehyung does react this time---he unclasp Jeongguk's arms from around his stomach and Jeongguk looks at him confusion.

Taehyung still stays quiet, eyes on the floor and he turns around---doesn't head towards the cottage or pack house---he just runs, not too fast but he does---the crowd that was around them has slowly disappeared.

The huts of new born pups isn't far---two circular huts, in one the birth takes place and other is the safe holding place of the new borns. Taehyung loved the place when he visited yesterday and he's heading there now---probably.

His heart thumps with every footstep he takes---fists clench softly and breath shudders lightly. The fallen leaves crunch under his shoes as he finally reaches the place.

And the footsteps behind him also stop but the petichor surrounds his as always.

The omega mother can't shift. The female wolves currently residing are pure wolves---not shape shifters. It's a necessity in an pack---these creatures have their own importance and place in the pack.

They must be asleep, Taehyung thinks or maybe they don't count Taehyung as a threat since they are now familiar with his scent. Taehyung's eyes linger on the light right next to the hut---the almost yellow glow makes his eyes shine.

It's silent, he can hear Jeongguk's heart beat it maybe it's his own---maybe it's both of theirs---beating as one---erratic and crazy.

Taehyung isn't crying---why should he cry? but he does have tears in his eyes---he's not scared anymore, Jeongguk us with him but he wants to figure out why he had that feeling---the immense fear and he thinks no one has the answer to that yet.

"I am not alone anymore Tae." Taehyung hears these words in mere whisper and feels goosebumps. Jeongguk always makes him feel different everytime.

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