Chapter 34: Feel

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung wasn't in pain when he woke up. He did felt tired but not in pain. His eyes squeeze shut immediately when he opens them due the intensity of light. Taehyung blinks them open again, slowly and adjusts to the light.

He recognises the room, it's Jimin and Yoongi's room. Well Taehyung has more than once made Yoongi sleep in the guest room because he wanted to sleep in his best friend's embrace. Jimin sides with him and would love to see Yoongi pissed because Taehyung would literally throw him out of his own room in his own house.

Taehyung feels warm, the sunlight peeking little through the window basks him in warmth. Taehyung sits up, rests his head on the headboard and lifts his limbs one by one---feels no pain whatsoever.

Everything plays in his mind as he remembers and panic settles inside him. He remembers in what condition he last saw Jeongguk and now he's on his feet, wobbles a little but stays put and all he wants is to see Jeongguk.

Taehyung opens the door and runs towards the stairs but stops when he sees Jimin running up.

"Tae! Why are you out of the bed? Are you---how for feel?" Jimin asks as he runs towards him and grabs his arm gently. Taehyung's words are stuck in his throat and he can say is sat his lover's name.

"Gukkie." Taehyung utters.

"You need to---". Taehyung doesn't let Jimin complete as he jerks away from his hold.

"No!---no, you---you tell me---". Taehyung wants to cry for not being able to speak properly where he has alot to say---and ask.

"I'll tell you everything okay, let's just go in the room okay." Jimin says and Taehyung still looks at him with unsure eyes.

"I can't---w-why can't---I speak---". Taehyung was cut short by Jimin's words.

"You've been---sleeping for almost two days Tae, it's the third one today. You'll feel tired even after that and don't worry, you'll be fine." Jimin says and Taehyung's eyes widen.

Almost three days! What about Jeongguk?

Taehyung lets Jimin take him inside the room and tucks him under the comforter, his back rests with the headboard as he nervously looks at Jimin who sits on the edge of the bed and faces him.

"You passed out after you marked Jeongguk and even though Jeongguk's heart was beating again, his body was pale and he had lost alot of blood---". Jimin pauses and takes a deep breath. Taehyung's shaking really bad---he doesn't know what he'll hear.

"Oh Tae---I'm sorry." Jimin puts his hand on Taehyung's shaking one and feels bad to tell him the important thing.

"He's alive." Jimin says and Taehyung immediately release a breath of relief.

"He was in hospital the first day---looks like your mark just started healing process---but he---he's---". Jimin pauses and Taehyung would've slapped him if he was in his right mind.

"He's out of his mind Taehyung. He trashed the whole hospital room when he woke up." Jimin says and Taehyung's eyes water.

"It was so difficult to tackle him. He doesn't fucking recognise any of us and when I gave him your jacket---it was worse." Taehyung was so scared now---he didn't want to think if his scent drives Jeongguk crazy in a bad way.

"We just don't know if he wants to stay away from your scent or actually is crazy to see you." Jimin says and then saddens when he sees Taehyung crying and embraces him tightly.

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