Chapter 8: Office

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"Okay so you're not going to tell me where we are going?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk shrugs, saying he'll see for himself and not that it's an important place.

"You're supposed to tell me if we're getting to know eachother." Taehyung huffs and Jeongguk just smiles.

"We're not in any rush now are we? Let's take it slow." Jeongguk says and Taehyung nods but does glare at Jeongguk.

There is no awkwardness or shyness left between them. Both of them get incredibly comfortable with eachother.

"You tell me about yourself." Jeongguk says.

"Well, I am an art student and I work as a bartender in Serene---which you already know. I live alone. I am from Daegu and I like japchae." Taehyung beams and smiles widely as he finishes and Jeongguk still has a smile on his face.

"What's your favourite colour?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung immediately answers.

"Purple. Oh my God---I love this colour so much." Taehyung exclaims.

"Okay. What do want to be when you finish university. It's your last year I guess." Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods.

"Well---back in Daegu, when I was little, I just knew that I want to become a farmer because my grandparents, they were into it. But after my grandma passed away, I was---I was devastated and if I hadn't decided to come to Seoul, I'd be a farmer right now." Taehyung chuckles a bit.

"But when I got here, I realised how tough life can be. Nothing is handed over to you in silver platter. You have to earn it and the lower classes like us, we have to work hard." Taehyung takes a pause.

"I have no idea what I want to be---that thought vanished when I had to earn for myself because I wanted to be independent of others---of my parents. I did got enrolled in the uni but I had and still---have no goal set." Taehyung pauses again and looks at Jeongguk who has a slight frown on his face.

"I met Jimin in the first coffee shop is worked at. He's older than me but we immediately clicked---he's my best friend---even though we know eachother for just three years. He's always been there for me---our recent fight doesn't count." Taehyung says.

"I've been working in Serene for almost a year. Gives me enough money for almost everything. I don't have to go to bed with an empty stomach or wear same clothes for a whole week. It's like---I've always been lucky enough to not see the brutality of poverty and hunger."

"You just forget about everything else---every goal and dream when you realise you can't achieve them unless you're stomach is filled and you have a roof over your head." Taehyung takes a deep breath as he finishes.

And Jeongguk is left to think how easy his life is compared to Taehyung's. He indeed was given everything he ever asked for---things just got shitty after that day but still---he never had to struggle to earn money atleast. Hearing Taehyung's story makes him respect his mate alot more.

Just like the way Taehyung's words were so endearing when he asked if if he was alone and explained it---Taehyung's words again made Jeongguk speechless. Taehyung is himself so endearing.

"Oh my God---you probably got so bored. I'm so sorry." Taehyung utters after a while---embarrassed that he bored Jeongguk with his story.

"No---I'm happy you trust me enough to tell me about yourself. Really, thank you for trusting me." Jeongguk says and Taehyung smiles widely at him.

"Okay no more knowing eachother for now---it can wait." Taehyung says and Jeongguk laughs.


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