Chapter 39: Sunset

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Ignore the mistakes plz; )

Third Person POV

It's been only a year Jeongguk and Taehyung bought a new house---they deemed it wise to not stay in apartment types anymore and Taehyung was in love with their new house of course---bur kept telling Jeongguk that's it's too big for only two of them and Jeongguk would only say that he bought it because it's close to the Jeon Inc and has no other houses around it in a distance.

It's been only a year Jeongguk and Taehyung bought a new house---they deemed it wise to not stay in apartment types anymore and Taehyung was in love with their new house of course---bur kept telling Jeongguk that's it's too big for only two of the...

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Jeongguk and Taehyung drove to their house in a fancy car that was decorated by Hanbin---just married, was written behind and all the fancy stuff. Both of them had a contended smile on their lips.

Entering the house now feels so much different---It's homey of course but Taehyung feels like he's connected to this home in not just a way that he lives here with his mate---now because he's here with his husband and now he's Jeon Taehyung and that's something he's proud of---being Jeongguk's mate makes him full of pride.

"Are you alone Jeongguk?" Taehyung asks his husband, they are in thier room, opening the gifts they got and Taehyung asks this. Jeongguk stops unwrapping Seokjin's gift and looks at his husband.

"No. I'm not alone, Jeon Taehyung because you're with me---because you're mine and with you---I can never be alone." Jeongguk whispers---voice soft but confident for his lover to know---once and for all that it's just because of him that he's no longer alone.

"And so grateful of you for being with me so I won't be alone and thank you for deciding to keep me company forever." Jeongguk says, smiles widely when Taehyung chuckles.

"Well thank you and welcome dear husband." Taehyung utters and winks at Jeongguk who rolls his eyes playfully.

"But really though, thank you for loving me and being with me---I'd forever be---".

"Stop being cheesy and open the presents." Taehyung utters, nudges  Jeongguk a little. "I know you are proud of me because I am just so awesome." Taehyung flicks his hair and Jeongguk just smiles because he can't disagree.

They open the rest of the gifts, laughing and giggling whole doing. Now Taehyung watches Jeongguk in anticipation and excitement as the pure blood takes out a small box.

"I swear if it's a ring---I'll beat the shit out of you." Taehyung says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"Does it look like it's a ring box?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung, once, twice, thrice.

"Yes it does." Taehyung utters then and Jeongguk sighs.

"The box is flat and it's not a ring in it." Jeongguk explains and Taehyung claps excitedly.

"Close your eyes." Jeongguk says and Taehyung groans.

"I wanna see--". Taehyung whines and Jeongguk grabs his arm softly, brings him closer and tilts his head.

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