Chapter 6: Lust

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung always thought he'd have his first kiss with someone---someone he'd be dating. Someone he'd know alot about and someone who would love him just the way he is.

That was the second thought. The first one was that he'd fall in love with the person who wouldn't want him just for his body. Someone who would never just---force their decisions on him and someone who would love him with all his flaws.

It's not like Taehyung's been desperate to find love. He's tried and as said before, he never found in the eyes he'd thought he would. He'd never found it.

He has hated the way people in Serene looked at him. Filled with the ugly want and lust. And Taehyung got used to being looked at like that. He thinks that maybe he's not worthy to be loved the way he wants to.

Yet he has allowed Jeongguk to kiss him like that. Filled with want and lust at the moment and Taehyung doesn't want him to stop. If there was someone else in Jeongguk's place, Taehyung would never have let them touch him yet with Jeongguk, it's not the same.

And that's what confuses and angers Taehyung that why is Jeongguk not like others. Jeongguk---just like others, looks at him as if he'll devour him whole with their lust filled eyes.

Taehyung has admitted that he saw the warmth in Jeongguk's eyes the first night he drove him home. He didn't really saw it again yet he still felt it. And he doesn't know what's stopping him to push Jeongguk away.

The way Jeongguk told him he'd pick him up was something Taehyung never tolerates yet he did---why? Why should Jeongguk be an exception?

And this kiss---Taehyung feels like his legs would give and he'd be completely at Jeongguk's mercy---Oh well, he already is because Jeongguk has him under control. His lips are bruising and dominating and Taehyung keeps on giving in to this feeling.

He doesn't want to give in so easily.

So it's Taehyung who pulls away. He's happy that he was able to do it because the way Jeongguk has him, he'd be willing to do anything.

"We---we should stop." Taehyung utters, breathless, lips swollen and red, on brink of bleeding. His eyes are teary and Jeongguk's are intimidating as always. Jeongguk looks at him like that, leaning in again but Taehyung stops him.

"Please." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk nods, expression firm and let's go of Taehyung. The blue haired boy feels like he can breathe properly as the distance is put between them. He keeps standing on his spot as Jeongguk grabs his jacket from the seats.

"I have to get to Serene at 8 so---".

"It's Saturday." Jeongguk says and Taehyung curses himself for always forgetting that Saturday and Sunday are off for him. It's all thanks to Jimin too. The club is more packed in the weekends and Jimin didn't want Taehyung to be tired on weekends.

He needs to talk to Jimin.

"Oh---I always forget." Taehyung chuckles.

"I'm sorry if I took it too far---".

"It's okay Jeongguk. Really, it's fine." Taehyung smiles and Jeongguk nods.

"You had lunch?" Jeongguk asks and do Taehyung shakes his head. He was so nervously excited today that couldn't even eat.

"Let's go then." Jeongguk says and Taehyung follows him outside.

Taehyung's been on expensive restaurants before with Jimin and once with Hanbin on his birthday. He's never been comfortable in such places where all he can see is rich people wasting their money on dishes that are equal to just a bite.

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