Chapter 40: Endless

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung was chewing on his nails, a habit he got when he's nervous. He very carefully bathed the baby---using a wet towel to clean him afterwards and now he lies in the middle of the bed, wrapped in Taehyung's new sweater and sleeping soundly but Taehyung's restless.

The truth is, Taehyung didn't know what to feed him so he brought all the baby feeds that are now scattered in his room.

"Gukkie!". Taehyung yells and then curses himself because he just yelled in a presence of a baby sleeping. Jeongguk was on a call with Jooheon, discussing if there was a missing case of a baby omega but there was none.

"I'll call you if I get something." Jooheon says and Jeongguk thanks him, walks towards the room.

"Tae---". Jeongguk pauses when he enters and sees the different boxes of baby food and milk.

"When did you buy all that?" Jeongguk asks.

"Ordered and now I don't know what to feed him." Taehyung whines and Jeongguk stands behind him, rubs his arm soothingly.

"You can ask Jin hyung or Jihoon hyung or Hanee-ssi." Jeongguk says and Taehyung pouts.

"But what will we say to them? Won't they ask from where did this baby came from?" Taehyung says.

"We tell them the truth. We didn't do anything bad by taking home a baby who was in a dumpster." Jeongguk says, kisses Taehyung's temple, assuring him.

"Do to think his family would be looking for him?" Taehyung faintly says and hears Jeongguk sigh.

"I called Jooheon---up until now, there's no report of a missing baby admitted to him." Jeongguk answers and Taehyung pouts, looks at the baby with sad eyes.

"It's so cruel of them to do it to a fucking baby. How can a parent even think of---think of leaving a baby in a dumpster?" Taehyung utters, voice breaks.

"Cruel is just one word Tae, this is what makes me believe that humanity is left in just ounce of people." Jeongguk says and Taehyung definitely agrees.

"Call Jihoon hyung, he'll tell you what to feed him okay---I have a meeting to get to." Jeongguk says, pecks Taehyung's lips and Taehyung doesn't know how Jeongguk is so cool that they just found a baby and it's in the their house, in their bed and Taehyung honestly has gotten used to it in just few hours.

Still, there's a turmoil inside of him that is going to be unleashed sooner and Taehyung doesn't know in which form it will be.

And Taehyung smiles when Jeongguk walks upto the baby, looks at him with a soft expression and then covers his foot that isn't in the sweater. Jeongguk smiles at Taehyung who doesn't know why his eyes were tearing up at the sight but he stays put and Jeongguk kisses him once again and leaves the room.

Jeongguk definitely saw the tender look in Taehyung's eyes and all he could think of an adorable scene he saw when Taehyung was rocking the baby in his arms to make him sleep. Jeongguk wouldn't mind seeing it everyday.

The fact that it's been just a year since they got married and did had a talk about kids which Taehyung and Jeongguk both want but the blue haired boy suggested to wait for a few years and now---they found the baby, it's like it had to be done right at this moment in their lives---not sooner and not later.

And Jeongguk wants to keep the baby---It's like that innocent little baby has magic that has Jeongguk under his spell.

Innocence----is magical---may it be in a good or bad way, it holds power. It can be used in both ways.

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