Chapter 27: Reunion

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung stops at the top stair---out of breath and body itching, itching to be close to Jeongguk. He watches Jeongguk walking slowly down the path and he knows that Jeongguk wants him to follow.

Just a little part of him wants to not follow---reminds him that he's supposed to be mad at Jeongguk right now but the very bigger part of him wants to just be in arms right now.

Taehyung bites back a smile and walks down the stairs slowly as well. There's a good distance between them. Jeongguk is leading the way and Taehyung is following him---both of theirs hearts crazy in rhythm.

Jeongguk makes it look like he's just walking casually---hands in his pockets, looking here and there and admiring the decorated lights. He then stops and bends down to pick a little flower from the ground field and then continues walking.

Taehyung just wants the distance to Jihoon's cottage to just end soon. Jeongguk opens the door---thankful and also surprised that it wasn't locked. He doesn't close it behind him---just shuts it slightly. He walks just a bit and comes in contact with the couch back---keeps tracing the fabric and waits.

Jeongguk feels an overwhelming feeling of anticipation and a buzzing excitement as he hears the door open slightly---and how can he not be---Taehyung's scent always leaves him shaking in his knees.

The door shuts behind him and he can even hear Taehyung's heart beat syncing with him. They stay like that for a while in the silence---surrounded by eachother's scents.

Taehyung leans back at the door---fingers fidgeting as he waits for Jeongguk to just turn around and let him look at his mate. If Jeongguk isn't going to do anything then all Taehyung wants is to just look at Jeongguk because he hasn't done it for a whole day and he yearns for Jeongguk.

And Jeongguk does turns around---deep black eyes locking with Taehyung's brown ones and the blue haired boy is immediately lost in them.

Jeongguk hates how nervous Taehyung is around him---how hesitant his body is and he can't help but blame himself. He wants to touch him---tell him to never be hesitant around him---wants to tell him to always be his real self around him and to never stay hidden.

And Jeongguk knows---for that, he'll have to prove it to Taehyung that he trusts him---he trusts their bond and that he loves him so fucking much. And he'll do anything to prove it to Taehyung.

But he says nothing---not with words and hopes that his action will speak a little if not everything.

So he extends his arm, his hand yearning for Taehyung's hand on it. Taehyung's eyes trail to his hand---warmth filling in his chest at the pureness this little gesture holds.

Taehyung takes in a soft breath---eyes locked with Jeongguk's hopeful eyes again as he reaches for Jeongguk hand---fingers slightly on Jeongguk's palm as Jeongguk's own fingers curl---holding his mates hand locked in his own---the touch makes them both shiver with the intensity it holds.

Slowly, Jeongguk retreats his arm back but pulling Taehyung towards him while doing so---Taehyung might be thinking to be in Jihoon's cottage sooner earlier but now---he doesn't want this moment to be rushed at all---he wants this moment and the beautiful feeling blooming in them to take all the time that's needed. They aren't going anywhere.

Taehyung's other hand now rests on Jeongguk's chest as he's brought closer---the proximity makes Taehyung shiver and the scent has already made him crazy.

Jeongguk himself guides Taehyung's clasped hand on his shoulder and let's go slowly and places his hand on Taehyung's lower back. Jeongguk's hesitant to do it---to touch Taehyung's face but he can't stop---not when he's dying to feel Taehyung.

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