Chapter 26: Shot

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung knows what he said was a bit too much. He knows Jeongguk was just upset and angry when he said those words and Taehyung fucking knows Jeongguk didn't mean it. Taehyung didn't mean it either. Jeongguk does believe in their bond and love---believes in him and it's clear in his eyes.


The those words really hurt a that moment---like literally. Taehyung felt a sting in his chest when Jeongguk said that. Now he feels bad that he said really big words which he never thought he'd ever say.

Jeongguk just found out about his brother being alive and heard his story---is upset and angry and of course Taehyung understands that---he'll still do anything to sooth Jeongguk from his worry but---can't he be selfish for just a moment?

Is it too bad to want Jeongguk to come to him and tells him how much he loves which he definitely will---Taehyung wants to hear it and Taehyung doesn't want Jeongguk to apologise---he didn't do anything wrong.


Taehyung walks back to Jihoon's cottage. Namjoon and Yoongi tells him that they'll be in pack house to talk to Doyoung about Sihyuck and what he's planning. Jeongguk walks back too but stays at the door.

He feels so bad right now---doesn't want to see the saddened expression on his face---knowing very well that everytime caused it. He feels like he'll go out of his mind. Past few hours have been so fucked up.

Taehyung and Jihoon were alone in the cottage now. Jihoon was softly crying and despite the situation---Taehyung thinks he looks cute---a twenty eight years old guy crying. He looks young.

Taehyung hesitantly sits next to Jihoon---the small two seater allows a little space between them but it's not an uncomfortable one. Jihoon keeps sobbing---looking down and Taehyung pouts sadly---wants to make Jihoon stop crying.

Taehyung hesitantly places his hand on Jihoon's hand---patting softly and he's glad that Jihoon didn't flinch---doesn't really react but a few moments later---his sobs die down but he still doesn't look at Taehyung.

"Did---did Jeonggukie---ever told you that---y-your scent is really calming." Jihoon softly says and Taehyung smiles.

"Yeah---yeah he told me." Taehyung says and Jihoon now looks at him---eyes sad and vulnerable.

"What's your name?" Jihoon asks.

"Kim Taehyung." Taehyung answers and Jihoon smiles a little. Jihoon's eyes fall on the Taehyung's neck---the mark visible a little and he smiles through his tears widely.

"For humans---it might be an ugly looking bite mark---but for us---seeing the mark on the skin of our mate---it looks like a beautiful carving, beautiful and sacred." Jihoon's voice was calming and Taehyung unconsciously touches the mark---smiles.

"I might be a lower of all wolf classes but I felt so proud when I gave Minho this mark---idiot started acting like he was drunk---a romantic drunk and them fell asleep on the couch." Jihoon chuckles at the memory.

"I never stopped loving him. I always waited for my mate and he's my mate---nothing can change that. I can never love anyone else." Jihoon says---eyes locked with Taehyung's and he was trying his best to not break down again.

"I know you all think that what is did was cruel. Try putting yourself in my place---I'm glad I didn't die of the embarrassment right to that moment---even when wanted to." Jihoon says and Taehyung squeezes his hand.

"The humiliation and the fear of rejection was too damn much and---and I knew I would lose everything the moment Minho will know about the truth---I couldn't think about anything past that. Didn't thought maybe Minho won't leave---I broke my own heart before I could see my love breaking but---". Jihoon exhales shakily.

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