Chapter 37: Alluring

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung has seen many beautiful things in his life---sceneries, landscapes---puppies, drawings and what not but the hand he holds right now---Jeongguk's hand---standing on the aisle as he had just put the ring on Jeongguk's ring finger again---infront of the world---eyes watching them but they are lost on eachother---Taehyung thinks there nothing more beautiful than this.

And the feeling that comes with it is beautiful too---so warm and fluttering that Taehyung can't help but smile so brightly---and Jeongguk returns the smile.

And the way Jeongguk holds his hand so securely yet delicately when he puts the ring on his finger---slowly and eyes locked to him---Taehyung blushes red and bites his lips and Jeongguk's eyes---Taehyung will never get tired looking in them and calling them beautiful forever.

Jeongguk pecks Taehyung's hand right over the ring and Taehyung giggles---unable to hold the bliss that runs through his body as Jeongguk closes the gap and kisses him---hand warm and secure on Taehyung's waist and the blue haired smiles in the kiss---knows that he'll never be able to get enough of Jeongguk's kisses.

If this blissful and beautiful feeling is only beaches of engagement---Taehyung wonders what will happen when they will get married.

Taehyung tries not to laugh when it's Hanbin who cheers the loudest for them.

Taehyung wanted to keep the engagement ceremony short because it's Jihoon and Minho's day today. The male omega looks beautiful and Taehyung is sure he saw Minho tear up while Jihoon was walking towards the aisle---Wonho next to him.

Wonho kisses Jihoon's forehead as they reach Minho and then the groom takes Jihoon's hand in his, already crying---looking soft adorable while he tries not to cry while saying his vows.

Just like the time when Minho and Jihoon saw eachother after four years---at Red Dawn---Jeongguk hugs Taehyung from the back, hides his face in Taehyung's neck and the blue haired boy smiles, leans to his side.

Doyoung was the one to wed Jihoon and Minho---makes them say their vows and Taehyung smiles as he watches two souls become when---Taehyung can feel thier love---the way they kiss so sweetly---Taehyung knows the feeling---because he feels the same for Jeongguk---love. It's beautiful.

The little of the things that Taehyung enjoys with Jeongguk---dancing with him is also one of them. The whole group danced like idiots first---Taehyung never thought he'll see Yoongi---Wonho---Sehun and Namjoon dance like they don't give a fuck about anything---the rest of them were already crack heads.

Though the music slows and all the couples get close---swaying slowly to the music.

Taehyung softly fidgets with the back of Jeongguk's collar as he circles his arms around his neck and Jeongguk holds him close by his waist---a soft smile adorn thier lips as they stare into the warmth that their eyes hold.

"I love you." Jeongguk whispers as he rests his forehead against Taehyung's and the other chuckles at that---he'll also not get enough of how much beautiful Jeongguk's voice is when ever says these beautiful words---Taehyung loves him so much.

"I love you so much baby." Jeongguk says again---more firm yet still softly.

"I know Gukkie and I love you---so so much." Taehyung whispers, closes his eyes just as Jeongguk closes his eyes and leans in to capture Taehyung's lips and get him addicted and high again and again and again.


The only thing that made Taehyung forced to study was Jeongguk's kisses---more like no kisses. Jeongguk said he won't get to kiss him unless he's done preparing for the certain exam he has and that did made Taehyung study more than he ever did. It also gave Taehyung enough time to sleep too because he studied on time.

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