Chapter 23: High

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk was brought back to his apartment the next day since he wasn't serious to be kept in the hospital. Jeongguk didn't talk about the pack after Namjoon suggests it. Honestly, he didn't even want to. Why would he go to the pack who has forgotten him.

Jeongguk barely remembers any of his family from his mother's side. When Yoona was alive---they barely visited and after she died---Jeongguk never even heard about them.

And he finds it ridiculous to run and hide somewhere because Wonho and Sihyuck want him dead probably. He's never the one to run and hide. He'll fight them if he has to but the thought of Taehyung getting hurt makes him change his mind just slightly.

He still doesn't want to leave to the pack. He'll leave the country with Taehyung if he has to but he doesn't want to go to this pack---The Red Dawn pack. He finds the name hilarious rather than powerful.

And why the fuck does he have to hide or leave? He has business to handle---he lives here, has been living here for all his life and just because a stupid person is trying to---

And then his mind wanders back to what happened at the cliff. Surely it was a planned attack and it was on both Jeongguk and Taehyung. And he literally felt Taehyung shaking in fear. It doesn't matter that Taehyung was able to defend himself just a little---he still was in danger with the wolf on top of him and Jeongguk doesn't want to think what would've happened if he didn't pushed off that wolf.

And then he thinks of the main reason---why? Why his father is doing this to him?

"Don't move your arm too much---it'll cause pain in shoulder. Don't even think about walking unless you really have to. Call me if you need anything." Taehyung says---tucking Jeongguk under the comforter. Jeongguk's back rests on the headboard as Taehyung feeds him spoonful of soup.

"I'll heal, Taehyung. Don't worry." Jeongguk says and Taehyung glares at him. Jeongguk doesn't speak until the soup finishes.

"Now go to sleep. You need to rest." Taehyung says.

"Kiss me." Jeongguk says and Taehyung blushes---turning away to place the dish in the tray. Jeongguk grabs his arm and turns him around---pulling him closer. Taehyung feels butterflies going wild in his stomach.

"Seokjin hyung is here---". And the moment Taehyung says this---the door opens.

"I'm gonna make---Oh." Seokjin stops when he sees Taehyung almost flying away from Jeongguk when he hears him.

"I'm so sorry. I should've knocked." Seokjin flushed in embarrassment.

"Oh no hyung, it's okay." Taehyung smiles and Jeongguk does too.

Taehyung kind of wanted Seokjin to stay. He couldn't take his eyes off of him when Seokjin entered with Namjoon in the hospital room for Jeongguk. Though Seokjin equally found Taehyung beautiful.

Well Taehyung is a curious one. He wanted to know Seokjin more---also because he's never met a guy who's pregnant.

"Hyung---why are you standing? Please come sit with me." Taehyung walks up to Seokjin and grabs his arm, bringing him in to sit on the couch and then sits next to him.

"I just came here to ask what would you like for dinner." Seokjin was flustered. Taehyung and Seokjin don't know eachother at all. Only a brief introduction was done in the hospital.

"Oh no no no. You don't have to make dinner. You know---you should also not be walking up and down the stairs---". Seokjin chuckles before Taehyung could complete.

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