Chapter 10: Quarrel

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Jeongguk isn't as strong and compact with his feelings as he appears to be. It's a mere facade---a very weak one---just so no one one would just walk in and break him---well he's strong enough for that.

Four years ago---he had his world crumbling down right infront his eyes. His life has been a continuous disaster ever since. Disaster---not of poverty or fighting for money---but fighting with his loneliness that never seems to go---fighting with his father who hates him and he does too. A step mother who he has never talked to for more than ten seconds.

His would definitely drift towards the thought of his mate. He had no idea where his mate was but he never lost hope and he just knew that he'll find his mate sooner later. He knows how to be patient.

So right now---for Taehyung---even if the storm is raging is out outside---he's ready to walk through it and take any hit---any curse---whatever comes---he'd take for Taehyung. For his mate.

And definitely thinks that there must be something really---really good he must've done to deserve a mate---a mate like Taehyung. Without their mates---werewolves die. If the rejection is not complete from both sides, then both are hurt and if you lose your mate---you die. And Jeongguk knows this much that he definitely will do if Taehyung won't be with him.

And kissing Taehyung---Jeongguk has no words to explain how perfect it feels. Their first kiss was aggressive and  heated from the moment their lips met but this one---this one is sweet, gentle, tender and affectionate. It's pure.

Their lips move slowly against each other's as if afraid that even a little hard, it might hurt them but they know better---it can never hurt them. Them being in eachother's arms, lips on lips---it can never hurt.

Taehyung sighs in content when Jeongguk cups his face, caressing his cheek softly with his thumb and everything just feels so good---perfect as if they were meant to find eachother and be in eachother's arms.

They part just for a moment and kiss again because how can they let go when it just feels so---so good. A little whimper falls from Taehyung's lips when Jeongguk bites his lips slightly.

But the kiss is immediately broken when Taehyung whimpers again---in pain this time. Jeongguk watches him in worry and holds him up as Taehyung almost curls due pain in his chest.

"Taehyung, hey? What's wrong?" Jeongguk utters, cupping his face and makes him look at him but Taehyung's eyes are shut and his hand over his chest. He's breathing heavily and Jeongguk almost panics. Taehyung rests his head on Jeongguk's chest but says nothing.

"Taehyung!" Jeongguk lightly shakes Taehyung who was now breathing evenly---his chest no longer in pain. Jeongguk massages Taehyung's back of head softly when he feels Taehyung relaxing. He almost had a heart attack.

"What happened?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung looks at him.

"It happens---because of cold." Taehyung says. Jeongguk then realises Taehyung is just in his uniform. The white shirt is thin---nothing close to be able to block even a bit cold.

"Shit---Taehyung, I'm so sorry." Jeongguk utters guilty and Taehyung furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"I just dragged you out and didn't let you wear your jacket---I'm so---".

"You're such a baby, do you know that?" Taehyung chuckles and cups his face.

"It's not your fault that I forgot my jacket." Taehyung says and Jeongguk still feels bad for not even acknowledging that Taehyung would be cold. Jeongguk himself is a wolf---they are warm.

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