Chapter 13: Gathering

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"Will you be okay?" Taehyung whispers to Bobby when they reach the building. Bobby doesn't look at him and says yes. Taehyung nods weakly and gets out for the car. The cold air doesn't make him shiver this time, he's already shaking.

Bobby leaves and Taehyung walks inside the building. The guards don't even ask his name---they can see Taehyung is about to just---cry so they step away when Taehyung walks in. He has his head hung low, hands inside the pockets of his jacket and he almost runs towards the elevator. He wants to curse because it feels like the elevator is taking so damn long to reach the top floor.

The elevator finally opens and a tear finally falls from Taehyung's eye. He doesn't know why he's being like this. Doesn't know why---after keeping all the recent bloody happenings out of his minds just so he won't be scared or freak out---now, he's just really scared. Now, he just wants to be with Jeongguk.

There is no one there when the elevator opens. Taehyung runs towards the door only to stop midway when the door opens---more like, when Jeongguk opens the door. Why? He got Taehyung's scent.

"Tae?" Jeongguk whispers and Taehyung that's all it takes for Taehyung to run towards him. Jeongguk steps forward and gladly welcomes Taehyung in his arms. The blue haired boy hides his face in Jeongguk's neck---sobbing ever so quietly---Jeongguk's arms providing him the warmth he's been longing for.

Jeongguk panics a bit. Well he panicked the moment Taehyung's scent hit him, sensing his fear. Jeongguk softly rubs Taehyung's back of head with his fingers and Taehyung tightens his arms around Jeongguk's neck. He wants him closer.

They stay like this outside the office room. Taehyung isn't crying anymore but still in Jeongguk's arms and who is Jeongguk to complain---no matter how long Taehyung wants to stay like this, he'll let him.

Taehyung then loosens his grip around Jeongguk's neck and moves away a little, looking down. Jeongguk puts a finger under his chin and tilt his head up, his heart aches to see the reddened eyes.

"Tae? What happened baby?" Jeongguk whispers softly and Taehyung just melts at the voice. Taehyung wants to tell Jeongguk and he will.

"Let's go inside yeah?" Jeongguk says and Taehyung nods. Jeongguk opens the door, guiding Taehyung inside by an arm on his back and locks the door.

They walk towards the couch and Taehyung sits, Jeongguk does too, facing him.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Jeongguk says because of course something happened that made Kim Taehyung cry like this.

"I saw it again." Taehyung says, eyes locked with Jeongguk's because he's scared to look anywhere else. Jeongguk tenses.

"Saw what?"

"I was in the grocery store---Bobby was there too---".

"Did he hurt you?" Jeongguk immediately asks and Taehyung shakes his head.

"He---kind of---saved me." Taehyung says. Well he just stood infront of Taehyung so nothing would happen to him---so yeah, saved him.

"From who Taehyung?" Jeongguk asks, he hopes Taehyung hasn't seen something that can get him highly suspicious.

"There was a man---he knew Bobby and he was---he was talking weird. I mean---he said my blood smells good and it will be delicious to suck it." Taehyung says and Jeongguk's blood runs cold.

"And I think I saw his eyes go red---or maybe they were red all the time." Taehyung utters, shivering as he remembers.

"I'm pretty sure it was his way of telling me that he wants to kill me." Taehyung utters.

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