Chapter 20: Fanatic

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

Taehyung no doubt, loves the soft moments with Jeongguk. They were literally in tears and then soft smiles when they confessed or on their date. The way Jeongguk looks at him always has a pure softness in it. He looks at him like Taehyung is his whole world.

But the moments like these---the one where the hunger for eachother gets on their senses and they just want to devour and get lost in the feeling of eachother. Such moments and Taehyung just wants to submit to Jeongguk.

The kiss they share is hot---messy. It's all lip biting and teeth and tongue. Jeongguk's hands roam from Taehyung's back to his hips and he cups his ass, squeezing with his palm and Taehyung moans.

Jeongguk takes a few step back until he's against the desk and Taehyung hastily removes his jacket, making his hands disappear from Taehyung's body and then on them again.

Taehyung feels Jeongguk's body under his palms. The shirt doesn't hinder the feeling of muscles he feels. Jeongguk breaks the kiss and looks at Taehyung.

Taehyung is in his uniform, the jacket he wears is not zipped. He looks cute, innocent---with that button up shirt and tie but what they're doing, the feeling of their touch---hot and rough---It's nothing close to innocent.

"Jeongguk---". Taehyung almost whines when Jeongguk keeps looking at him and not kiss him. He wants his lips to be on his forever.

Jeongguk says nothing though, his darkened eyes keep looking at Taehyung and the intensity almost make Taehyung's knees buckle.

Jeongguk slowly takes off Taehyung's jacket which falls on the floor. Jeongguk feels the curve of Taehyung's ass up to his waist and slides it over Taehyung's tie. Jeongguk loosens it and Taehyung tries to help him but Jeongguk stops him.

"Don't." Jeongguk utters, voice raspy and Taehyung has no choice but to obey so he lets Jeongguk do whatever he wants.

Jeongguk loosens Taehyung's tie, his fingers working skillfully until it's off and thrown away too. And then Jeongguk starts his work on Taehyung's buttons. He unbuttons his shirt one by one, revealing the soft melanin skin slowly.

The last button is opened and Jeongguk let's go of the shirt. His breath gets a little heavy when he sees the beautiful untouched skin of his mate. Jeongguk touches Taehyung's collarbone, the touch makes Taehyung shiver with sparks that fill his body.

Jeongguk sensually moves his hand down, his palm feeling the softness that Taehyung's body allows. Taehyung is fairly built and curvy just in right places but his ass---It's what makes him hundred times hot than he already his.

Jeongguk wants to mark the soft skin and he doesn't want to waste anymore time so he latches his lips on Taehyung's neck, the Alpha gasps at the sudden warmth on his skin and moans when Jeongguk sucks hard and bites. Jeongguk's hand are on his naked back, under the shirt and the pure blood pushes away the shirt to expose Taehyung's shoulder and starts kissing on the skin.

He grabs his lips to his collarbones then, sucking and leaving obvious marks. Taehyung throws his head back in pleasure and his hands are clasped around Jeongguk's head.

Jeongguk moves down and Taehyung gasps when he feels Jeongguk's tongue flat against his nipple. A loud moan leaves his lips when Jeongguk swirls his tongue around the hardened bud and Taehyung feels tears in his eyes at the pleasure.

"You're so sensitive baby." Jeongguk says and leaves a few marks on Taehyung's chest. He places butterflies kisses upto Taehyung's adam's apple and then moves away to look him. And the look Taehyung has---eyes teary and half lidded, lips on brink of bleeding due to being kissed and bitten. Jeongguk gets more turned on by the sinful sight. Not to mention the red marks on Taehyung's exposed skin---it makes Jeongguk proud because he's the one who did it.

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